PolySpatial Settings
To access the PolySpatial Settings window, go to: Edit > Project Settings > PolySpatial Settings
in the Unity Editor.
Here you will find the following settings:
Setting | Description |
Enable PolySpatial Runtime | When enabled this allows the PolySpatial runtime to run; you want this enabled if you are using PolySpatial. |
Default Volume Camera Configuration | Refers to the default Volume Camera Configuration to be used when no configuration is set on any given Volume camera; if null Unbounded is assumed. |
Auto-Create Volume Camera | When enabled; if there is no Volume Camera after scene load, one will be automatically created using the default settings. Disable this to be able to create the initial Volume Camera from a script. |
PolySpatial Collider Layer Mask | Only Colliders in these layers are tracked by PolySpatial. |
Particle Mode | Refers to the technique used to translate particle data to Reality Kit. Replicate Properties: Unity particle system properties will be mapped to RealityKit particle system properties. Bake to Mesh: Particle systems will be baked to a mesh every frame and rendered into RealityKit. |
Transmit Debug Info | When enabled, PolySpatial tracks preview GameObject names and displays them in the hierarchy view. |
Hide PolySpatial Preview Objects In Scene | When enabled, GameObjects created to support PolySpatial preview will be hidden in the scene view. |
Disable Tracking Mask | GameObjects created in these layers will have tracking completely disabled. |
Disabled Trackers | This list allows you select which trackers you want disabled on runtime; this is useful for discarding trackers for performance reasons or for debugging purposes. |
Runtime Trackers | Only available at runtime; contains a list of the active and inactive trackers being executed on your project at runtime. |
Force Validation For Current Build Target | Enabling this option will enable validation on the current build target. This is useful if you want to run validation checks when developing on Windows or any other platform for example. |