Unity PolySpatial Custom Function Node Support
PolySpatial's shader graph conversion provides partial support for the Custom Function Node (when using the String
function type) by parsing a limited subset of HLSL and converting it into MaterialX nodes. Note that this does not allow for any functionality beyond that which is possible by combining built-in shader graph nodes; it simply provides an alternate means of specification that may be more compact or convenient for some purposes.
The parser used for custom function nodes is primitive compared to a full HLSL implementation, and is under active development.
Function Body Format
Custom function bodies should consist of a series of assignment statements for either temporary variables or outputs. Variables may not be reassigned.
The following shows an example of a supported function body. Note that the body consists only of assignment statements, assigning one temporary variable and using it to set the value of an output.
float2 xy = float2(In.r * In.a, In.g) * 2.0 - 1.0;
Out = float3(xy, max(1.0e-16, sqrt(1.0 - saturate(dot(xy, xy)))));
Supported Types
The parser recognizes scalar, vector, and matrix floating point types: float
, float2
, float3
, float4
, float2x2
, float3x3
, float4x4
Supported Operators
The parser supports basic arithmetic operators (+
, -
, *
, /
, %
) for float
, vector, and matrix values and logic operators (!
, &&
, ||
) for float
Swizzling vector values is supported. For example, float3(1, 2, 3).xz
is equivalent to float2(1, 3)
Supported Functions
HLSL Intrinsic Functions
The parser supports a subset of HLSL's intrinsic functions: abs
, acos
, all
, any
, asin
, atan
, atan2
, ceil
, clamp
, cos
, cross
, degrees
, distance
, dot
, exp
, floor
, fmod
, frac
, length
, lerp
, log
, max
, min
, mul
, normalize
, pow
, radians
, rcp
, reflect
, round
, rsqrt
, saturate
, sign
, sin
, smoothstep
, sqrt
, step
, tan
, transpose
PolySpatial-Specific Functions
Additionally, the parser supports the custom splitlr
function, which implements the splitlr function described in the MaterialX Spec:
genType splitlr(genType valuel, genType valuer, float center, float2 texcoord);
(where genType
is one of float
, float2
, float3
, or float4
Unity Macros
For sampling textures, the parser supports Unity macros: SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D
Supported Globals
The parser supports several of Unity's built-in global variables: _Time
, _SinTime
, _CosTime
, unity_DeltaTime
, unity_ObjectToWorld
, unity_WorldToObject
Note: Currently, the object-to-world matrix supplied by visionOS (and thus unity_ObjectToWorld
and unity_WorldToObject
) includes the transform of the rendered volume: that is, moving the (bounded) application around in space affects its world transform, unlike the world position output from the Position Node, which is relative to the transform of the rendered volume and thus does not change when the application is repositioned.