Unity PolySpatial Custom Function Node Support
PolySpatial's shader graph conversion provides partial support for the Custom Function Node (when using the String
function type) by parsing a limited subset of HLSL and converting it into MaterialX nodes. Note that this does not allow for any functionality beyond that which is possible by combining built-in shader graph nodes; it simply provides an alternate means of specification that may be more compact or convenient for some purposes.
The parser used for custom function nodes is primitive compared to a full HLSL implementation, and is under active development.
Function Body Format
Custom function bodies should consist of a series of assignment statements for either temporary variables or outputs. Variables may not be reassigned.
The following shows an example of a supported function body. Note that the body consists only of assignment statements, assigning one temporary variable and using it to set the value of an output.
float2 xy = float2(In.r * In.a, In.g) * 2.0 - 1.0;
Out = float3(xy, max(1.0e-16, sqrt(1.0 - saturate(dot(xy, xy)))));
Supported Types
The parser recognizes scalar and vector floating point types: float
, float2
, float3
, float4
, float2x2
, float3x3
, float4x4
Supported Operators
The parser supports basic arithmetic operators: +
, -
, *
, /
, %
Swizzling vector values is supported. For example, float3(1, 2, 3).xz
is equivalent to float2(1, 3)
Supported Functions
HLSL Intrinsic Functions
The parser supports a subset of HLSL's intrinsic functions: abs
, acos
, asin
, atan
, atan2
, ceil
, clamp
, cos
, cross
, degrees
, distance
, dot
, exp
, floor
, fmod
, frac
, length
, lerp
, log
, max
, min
, mul
, normalize
, pow
, radians
, rcp
, reflect
, round
, rsqrt
, saturate
, sign
, sin
, smoothstep
, sqrt
, step
, tan
, transpose
PolySpatial-Specific Functions
Additionally, the parser supports the custom splitlr
function, which implements the splitlr function described in the MaterialX Spec:
genType splitlr(genType valuel, genType valuer, float center, float2 texcoord);
(where genType
is one of float
, float2
, float3
, or float4
Unity Macros
For sampling textures, the parser supports Unity macros: SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D
Supported Globals
The parser supports several of Unity's built-in global variables: _Time
, _SinTime
, _CosTime
, unity_DeltaTime