Method SphereCast
SphereCast(float3, float, float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified sphere along a ray specified with origin, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if there is at least one hit.
bool SphereCast(float3 origin, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | origin | The origin. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
SphereCast(float3, float, float3, float, out ColliderCastHit, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified sphere along a ray specified with origin, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if a hit happened, the information about closest hit will be in hitInfo.
bool SphereCast(float3 origin, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, out ColliderCastHit hitInfo, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | origin | The origin. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Collider |
hitInfo | [out] Information describing the hit. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |