Struct RigidBodyAspect
A rigid body aspect. Contatins transform data, mass, mass overide, velocity, damping and gravity factor information.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Physics.Aspects
Assembly: solution.dll
public readonly struct RigidBodyAspect : IAspect, IQueryTypeParameter
Name | Description |
Entity | The entity of this aspect. |
Name | Description |
Angular |
Gets or sets the angular damping. |
Angular |
Gets or sets the angular velocity in local space. |
Angular |
Gets or sets the angular velocity in world space. |
Center |
Gets or sets the center of mass in local space. |
Center |
Gets or sets the center of mass in world space. |
Gravity |
Gets or sets the gravity factor. |
Inertia | Gets or sets the inertia. |
Is |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this object is kinematic. |
Linear |
Gets or sets the linear damping. |
Linear |
Gets or sets the linear velocity. |
Mass | Gets or sets the mass. |
Position | Gets or sets the world space position. |
Rotation | Gets or sets the world space rotation. |
Scale | Gets or sets the uniform scale. |
World |
Gets or sets the world transform of this aspect. |