Comparing Frames from the Same Data Set
This workflow will take you through the steps needed to compare two frames from the same data set, in this case the median and longest frames. Comparing the median and longest frames is often useful to help reason about what could be happening in the longest frame that is not happening in an average frame, or what is taking longer than average to complete.
1. Collect performance data to analyze
Follow the instructions in the collecting and viewing data workflow.
Switch to the Compare View using the Compare button from the views toolbar.
2. Selecting the frames of interest
In the upper Frame Control, right click to access its context menu and select Select Median Frame.
In the lower Frame Control, right click to access its context menu and select Select longest Frame.
After completing the above steps, the Compare View will now analyze the two frames and show you the data for just the median and longest frames, the resulting UI will look something like this: