Class TransformDefaultVariantSystem
System that optinally setup the Netcode default variants used for transform components in case a default is not already present. The following variants are set by default by the package:
- LocalTransform
It will never override the default assignment for the transform components if they are already present in the Unity.NetCode.GhostComponentSerializerCollectionData.DefaultVariants map. Any system deriving from DefaultVariantSystemBase will take precendence, even if they are created after this system.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.NetCode
[WorldSystemFilter(WorldSystemFilterFlags.BakingSystem | WorldSystemFilterFlags.ServerSimulation | WorldSystemFilterFlags.ClientSimulation | WorldSystemFilterFlags.ThinClientSimulation, WorldSystemFilterFlags.Default)]
[UpdateInGroup(typeof(DefaultVariantSystemGroup), OrderLast = true)]
public sealed class TransformDefaultVariantSystem : SystemBase