Struct GhostDespawnSystem
Present only in client worlds. Responsible for destroying spawned ghosts when a despawn request/command is received from the server.
Clients are not responsible for destroying ghost entities (and thus should never). The server is responsible for notifying the client about which ghosts should be destroyed (as part of the snapshot protocol).
When a despawn command is received, the ghost entity is queued into a despawn queue. Two distinct despawn queues exist: one for interpolated, and one for the predicted ghosts.
The above distinction is necessary because interpolated ghosts timeline (InterpolationTick) is in the past in respect to both the server and client timeline (the current simulated tick). When a snapshot with a despawn command (for an interpolated ghost) is received, the server tick at which the entity has been destroyed (on the server) may be still in the future (for this client), and therefore the client must wait until the InterpolationTick is greater or equal the despawning tick to actually despawn the ghost.
Predicted entities, on the other hand, can be despawned only when the current ServerTick is greater than or equal to the despawn tick of the server. Therefore, if the client is running ahead (as it should be), predicted ghosts will be destroyed as soon as their despawn request is pulled out of the snapshot (i.e. later on that same frame).
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.NetCode
[WorldSystemFilter(WorldSystemFilterFlags.ClientSimulation | WorldSystemFilterFlags.ThinClientSimulation, WorldSystemFilterFlags.Default)]
public struct GhostDespawnSystem : ISystem