Getting started with NetCode
This documentation provides a walkthrough of how to create a very simple client server based simulation. This walkthrough describes how to spawn and control a simple Prefab.
Set up the Project
Open the Unity Hub and create a new Project.
To use Unity NetCode you must have at least Unity 2020.1.2 installed.
Open the Package Manager (menu: Window > Package Manager). At the top of the window, under Advanced, select Show preview packages. Add the Entities, Hybrid Renderer, NetCode, and Transport packages.
As of Unity version 2020.1, in-preview packages no longer appear in the Package Manager. To use preview packages, either manually edit your project manifest or search for the package in the Add package from Git URL field in the Package Manager. For more information, see the announcement blog for these changes to the Package Manager.
The NetCode package requires the Entities, Hybrid Renderer, and Transport packages to work. To install these packages while they are still in preview, either edit your project manifest to include the target package name, or type the name of the package you want to install into the Add package from git URL menu in the Package Manager.
For example, to install the Transport package using the Package Manager, go to Window > Package Manager, click on the plus icon to open the Add package from... sub-menu and click on Add package from git url..., then type "com.unity.transport" into the text field and press Enter. To install the same package through your package.json manifest file, add "com.unity.transport": "0.4.0-preview.1" to your dependencies list. Version 0.4.0-preview.1 is used here as an example and is not a specific version dependency.
Create an initial Scene
To begin, you need to set up a way to share data between the client and the server. To achieve this separation in NetCode, you need to create a different World for each client and the server. To share data between the server and the client, create an empty GameObject (called SharedData in the example), and add the ConvertToClientServerEntity component.
Empty SharedData GameObject
ConvertToClientServerEntity component
Once you set this up you can, for example, spawn a plane in both the client and the server world. To do this, right click the SharedData Prefab and select 3D Object > Plane which then creates a plane that is nested under SharedData.
Scene with a plane
Create a ghost Prefab
To make your Scene run with a client / server setup you need to create a definition of the networked object, which is called a ghost.
To create a ghost Prefab, create a cube in the Scene (right click on the Scene and select 3D Object > Cube). Then select the Cube GameObject under the Scene and drag it into the Project’s Asset folder. This creates a Prefab of the Cube.
Create a Cube Prefab
To identify the Cube Prefab, create a simple component with the following code:
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.NetCode;
public struct MovableCubeComponent : IComponentData
If you want to add a serialized value to the component, use the GhostField Attribute:
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.NetCode;
public struct MovableCubeComponent : IComponentData
public int ExampleValue;
Once you create this component, add it to the Cube Prefab. Then, in the Inspector, add the Ghost Authoring Component to the Prefab.
When you do this, Unity automatically adds default values to the Translation and Rotation components.
Start by adding a Ghost Owner Component and changing the Default Ghost Mode to Owner Predicted. The NetworkId member of the Ghost Owner Component needs to be set by your code, more on this later. This makes sure that you predict your own movement.
The Ghost Authoring component
Hook up the collections
To tell NetCode which Ghosts to use, you need to set up a GhostCollection. Right click on SharedData and select Create Empty. Rename it to GhostCollection and then add a GhostCollectionAuthoringComponent. Because both the client and the server need to know about these Ghosts, add it to the SharedData Scene.
In the Inspector, select the Update ghost list button.
Ghost Collection settings
Establish a connection
Next, you need to make sure that the server starts listening for connections, the client connects, and all connections are marked as "in game" so NetCode can start sending snapshots. You don’t need a full flow in this case, so write the minimal amount of code to set it up.
Create a file called Game.cs in your Assets folder and add the following code to the file:
using System;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.NetCode;
using Unity.Networking.Transport;
using Unity.Burst;
// Control system updating in the default world
public class Game : ComponentSystem
// Singleton component to trigger connections once from a control system
struct InitGameComponent : IComponentData
protected override void OnCreate()
// Create singleton, require singleton for update so system runs once
protected override void OnUpdate()
// Destroy singleton to prevent system from running again
foreach (var world in World.AllWorlds)
var network = world.GetExistingSystem<NetworkStreamReceiveSystem>();
if (world.GetExistingSystem<ClientSimulationSystemGroup>() != null)
// Client worlds automatically connect to localhost
NetworkEndPoint ep = NetworkEndPoint.LoopbackIpv4;
ep.Port = 7979;
else if (world.GetExistingSystem<ServerSimulationSystemGroup>() != null)
// Server world automatically listens for connections from any host
NetworkEndPoint ep = NetworkEndPoint.AnyIpv4;
ep.Port = 7979;
Next you need to tell the server you are ready to start playing. To do this, use the Rpc
calls that are available in the NetCode package.
In Game.cs, create the following RpcCommand. This code tells the server that you are ready to start playing.
public struct GoInGameRequest : IRpcCommand
To make sure you can send input from the client to the server, you need to create an ICommandData
struct. This struct is responsible for serializing and deserializing the input data. Create a script called CubeInput.cs and write the CubeInput CommandData
as follows:
public struct CubeInput : ICommandData
public uint Tick {get; set;}
public int horizontal;
public int vertical;
The command stream consists of the current tick and the horizontal and vertical movements. The serialization code for the data will be automatically generated.
To sample the input, send it over the wire. To do this, create a System for it as follows:
public class SampleCubeInput : ComponentSystem
protected override void OnCreate()
protected override void OnUpdate()
var localInput = GetSingleton<CommandTargetComponent>().targetEntity;
if (localInput == Entity.Null)
var localPlayerId = GetSingleton<NetworkIdComponent>().Value;
Entities.WithAll<MovableCubeComponent>().WithNone<CubeInput>().ForEach((Entity ent, ref GhostOwnerComponent ghostOwner) =>
if (ghostOwner.NetworkId == localPlayerId)
PostUpdateCommands.SetComponent(GetSingletonEntity<CommandTargetComponent>(), new CommandTargetComponent {targetEntity = ent});
var input = default(CubeInput);
input.Tick = World.GetExistingSystem<ClientSimulationSystemGroup>().ServerTick;
if (Input.GetKey("a"))
input.horizontal -= 1;
if (Input.GetKey("d"))
input.horizontal += 1;
if (Input.GetKey("s"))
input.vertical -= 1;
if (Input.GetKey("w"))
input.vertical += 1;
var inputBuffer = EntityManager.GetBuffer<CubeInput>(localInput);
Finally, create a system that can read the CommandData
and move the player.
public class MoveCubeSystem : ComponentSystem
protected override void OnUpdate()
var group = World.GetExistingSystem<GhostPredictionSystemGroup>();
var tick = group.PredictingTick;
var deltaTime = Time.DeltaTime;
Entities.ForEach((DynamicBuffer<CubeInput> inputBuffer, ref Translation trans, ref PredictedGhostComponent prediction) =>
if (!GhostPredictionSystemGroup.ShouldPredict(tick, prediction))
CubeInput input;
inputBuffer.GetDataAtTick(tick, out input);
if (input.horizontal > 0)
trans.Value.x += deltaTime;
if (input.horizontal < 0)
trans.Value.x -= deltaTime;
if (input.vertical > 0)
trans.Value.z += deltaTime;
if (input.vertical < 0)
trans.Value.z -= deltaTime;
Tie it together
The final step is to create the systems that handle when you enter a game on the client and what to do when a client connects on the server. You need to be able to send an Rpc
to the server when you connect that tells it you are ready to start playing.
// When client has a connection with network id, go in game and tell server to also go in game
public class GoInGameClientSystem : ComponentSystem
protected override void OnCreate()
protected override void OnUpdate()
Entities.WithNone<NetworkStreamInGame>().ForEach((Entity ent, ref NetworkIdComponent id) =>
var req = PostUpdateCommands.CreateEntity();
PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent(req, new SendRpcCommandRequestComponent { TargetConnection = ent });
On the server you need to make sure that when you receive a GoInGameRequest
, you create and spawn a Cube for that player.
// When server receives go in game request, go in game and delete request
public class GoInGameServerSystem : ComponentSystem
protected override void OnUpdate()
Entities.WithNone<SendRpcCommandRequestComponent>().ForEach((Entity reqEnt, ref GoInGameRequest req, ref ReceiveRpcCommandRequestComponent reqSrc) =>
UnityEngine.Debug.Log(String.Format("Server setting connection {0} to in game", EntityManager.GetComponentData<NetworkIdComponent>(reqSrc.SourceConnection).Value));
var ghostCollection = GetSingletonEntity<GhostPrefabCollectionComponent>();
var prefab = Entity.Null;
var prefabs = EntityManager.GetBuffer<GhostPrefabBuffer>(ghostCollection);
for (int ghostId = 0; ghostId < prefabs.Length; ++ghostId)
if (EntityManager.HasComponent<MovableCubeComponent>(prefabs[ghostId].Value))
prefab = prefabs[ghostId].Value;
var player = EntityManager.Instantiate(prefab);
EntityManager.SetComponentData(player, new GhostOwnerComponent { NetworkId = EntityManager.GetComponentData<NetworkIdComponent>(reqSrc.SourceConnection).Value});
PostUpdateCommands.SetComponent(reqSrc.SourceConnection, new CommandTargetComponent {targetEntity = player});
Test the code
Now you have set up your code, open Multiplayer > PlayMode Tools and set the PlayMode Type to Client & Server. Enter Play Mode, and the Cube spawns. Press the A,S,D, and W keys to move the Cube around.
To recap this workflow:
- Create a GameObject and add the ConvertToClientServerEntity component to hold SharedData between the client and the server.
- Create a Prefab out of a simple 3D Cube and add a GhostAuthoringComponent, a MovableCubeComponent and a GhostOwnerComponent.
- Add the GhostCollectionAuthoringComponent to an empty GameObject to create a GhostCollection. Update the ghost list.
- Establish a connection between the client and the server.
- Write an
to tell the server you are ready to play. - Write an
to serialize game input. - Write a client system to send an
. - Write a server system to handle the incoming