Network connection
The network connection uses the Unity Transport package and stores each connection as an entity. Each connection entity has a NetworkStreamConnection component with the Transport
handle for the connection. The connection also has a NetworkStreamDisconnected
component for one frame, after it disconnects and before the entity is destroyed.
To request disconnect, add a NetworkStreamRequestDisconnect
component to the entity. Direct disconnection through the driver is not supported. Your game can mark a connection as being in-game, with the NetworkStreamInGame
component. Your game must do this; it is never done automatically. Note: Before the component is added to the connection, the client doesn’t send commands, nor does the server send snapshots.
To store commands in the correct buffer, each connection has a CommandTargetComponent
which must point to the entity where the received commands need to be stored. Your game is responsible for keeping this entity reference up to date.
Each connection has three incoming buffers for each type of stream, command, RPC, and snapshot. There is also an outgoing buffer for RPCs. Snapshots and commands are gathered and sent in their respective send systems. When the client receives a snapshot it is available in the incoming snapshot buffer. The same method is used for the command stream and the RPC stream.
When your game starts, it must tell the netcode to manually start listening for a connection on the server, or connect to a server from the client. This isn’t done automatically because a default has not been set. To establish a connection, you must get the NetworkStreamReceiveSystem
from the client World for Connect, and the server World for Listen, and then call either Connect
or Listen
on it.