Class SyncEventAttribute
This is an attribute that can be put on events in NetworkBehaviour classes to allow them to be invoked on client when the event is called on the server.
[SyncEvent] events are called by user code on UNET servers, and then invoked on corresponding client objects on clients connected to the server. The arguments to the Event call are serialized across the network, so that the client event is invoked with the same values as the function on the server. These events must begin with the prefix "Event".
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class DamageClass : NetworkBehaviour
public delegate void TakeDamageDelegate(int amount, float dir);
public event TakeDamageDelegate EventTakeDamage;
public void CmdDoMe(int val)
EventTakeDamage(val, 1.0f);
public class Other : NetworkBehaviour
public DamageClass damager;
int health = 100;
void Start()
if (
damager.EventTakeDamage += TakeDamage;
public void TakeDamage(int amount, float dir)
health -= amount;
SyncEvents allow networked actions to be propagated to other scripts attached to the object. In the example above, the Other class registers for the TakeDamage event on the DamageClass. When the event happens on the DamageClass on the server, the TakeDamage() method will be invoked on the Other class on the client object. This allows modular network aware systems to be created, that can be extended by new scripts that respond to the events generated by them.
Namespace: UnityEngine.Networking
public class SyncEventAttribute : Attribute
The UNET QoS channel that this event should be sent on.
This defaults to zero - the default reliable channel. This can be used to make events that are not essential for game play (such as effects) unreliable.
public int channel
Field Value
Type | Description |
Int32 |