The Unity Mobile Notifications package adds support for scheduling local one-time or repeatable notifications on Android and iOS.
- Compatible with Unity 2020.3 or above.
- Compatible with Android 5 (API 21) and iOS 10.0+.
Supported features
The runtime notification APIs are split into two parts for both Android and iOS. These APIs can be used to schedule and manage notifications as listed below:
- Schedule local one-time or repeatable notifications.
- Cancel already displayed and upcoming (scheduled) notifications.
- Android:
- Create and modify notification channels (categories) on Android 8.0 (Oreo) and above.
- Preserve notifications when the device restarts.
- Set custom notification icons.
- iOS:
- Use the Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) to receive remote notifications.
- Modify remote notification content if the device receives notifications from other apps while your app is running.
- Group notifications into threads (only supported on iOS 12+).
- Add attachments to notifications.
- Support for notification actions.
To install the Mobile Notification package, please follow the instructions in the Package Manager documentation.