All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.1.1] - 2020-03-12
Fix & Improvements.
- Fix warnings in scripts when active Editor platform is not Android.
- Fix regex issues with logcat messages.
[1.1.0] - 2020-02-14
Fix & Improvements.
- Added feature 'Filter by process id'
- Fixed addr2line functionality, when we try to resolve stacktrace
- Correctly open Terminal on macOS Catalina
- Fix Open Terminal button not working on Windows sometimes.
- Reworked Connect to IP window, it's now multithreaded, thus it will not lock Editor. It's now easier to connect to Android device via IP.
- Added icons for messages
- Added disconnect button, you can stop logcat messages this way.
- Improved mouse right click behavior to be consistent with the rest of Unity
- Correctly identify Android 9 version
- Android Settings will have color settings separated between Free skin and Pro skin.
- Moved Android Settingsunder Preferences->Analysis
- Provide proper windows title for Stacktrace Utility window
- Right clicking log lines behavior will be consistent with other Unity windows.
- Ctrl/CMD + C will copy log lines correctly.
- Column seperators will be drawn correctly ### Android Logcat Settings
- Introducing settings, accessible from Preferences. For ex., on Windows Edit->Preferences
[1.0.0] - 2019-07-18
Fix & Improvements.
- Added Open Terminal button
- Use monospace font for displaying log messages, this makes text align properly when displaying addresses
- Fix performance issues whene there's no Android device attached, the device querying will happen on worker thread.
- Fix Regex filter functionality, on newer devices it wasn't working as intended.
- Fix appearance of Delele button in Tag control window. ### Stacktrace Utility
- Add a custom way of resolving stacktraces, read more about in the documentation
[0.2.7-preview] - 2019-04-24
Minor fixes.
- Fixed the issues found during package validation.
[0.2.6-preview] - 2019-04-15
Minor fixes.
- Fixed some issues about tag window.
- Restored the states including current selected device, current selected package, tags, priority after closing and launching Unity Editor.
[0.2.5-preview] - 2019-04-01
Fixes & Improvements.
- UI improvements:
- Add borders for columns.
- Display odd/even background for message entries.
- Fixed search bar issue.
- Fix the issue that screenshot is cropped.
- Add a simple tag control window to manipulate tags.
- Fixed the issue that search filter doesn't work on Android 6 or lower.
- Fixed the issue that tag filter doesn't work with some corner cases like "SSRM:k".
- Restored the states including current selected device, current selected package, tags, priority after closing and reopening the window.
- Fixed some issues in tags, like not allowing adding empty tag, setting tag length limitation to 23, etc.
[0.2.1-preview] - 2019-01-22
Fixes & Improvements.
- Made package compatible with .NET 3.5.
- Fixed the wrong year issue in the log message.
- Use "Cmd" instead of "Ctrl" for shortcuts on macOS.
- Fixed the issue that some log messages can't be parsed correctly.
[0.2.0-preview] - 2018-12-18
Fixes & Improvements.
- Show proper messages if the scripting runtime version is not .Net 4.x or the active platform is not Android.
- Added some shortcuts to copy, save logs etc.
- Fixed the "grep not fonud" issue on some old 4.x devices.
[0.1.5-preview] - 2018-11-26
Minor fixes.
- Fixed the issue during publishing the package.
[0.1.4-preview] - 2018-11-26
Minor fixes.
- Fixed the issue that "shift" selecting log messages doesn't work correctly.
[0.1.3-preview] - 2018-11-16
Fixes & Improvements.
- Fixed the issue that package filter doesn't work correctly on devices below Android 7.
- Fixed some issues at UI side.
[0.1.2-preview] - 2018-10-30
Minor fixes & Improvements.
- Added documentation.
- Fixed the issue that Android Logcat Package doesn't work with devices below Android 7.