Namespace Unity.MLAgents
The Academy singleton manages agent training and decision making.
An agent is an actor that can observe its environment, decide on the best course of action using those observations, and execute those actions within the environment.
The DecisionRequester component automatically request decisions for an Agent instance at regular intervals.
The DiscreteActionMasker class represents a set of masked (disallowed) actions and provides utilities for setting and retrieving them.
A container for the Environment Parameters that may be modified during training. The keys for those parameters are defined in the trainer configurations and the the values are generated from the training process in features such as Curriculum Learning and Environment Parameter Randomization.
One current assumption for all the environment parameters is that they are of type float.
Add stats (key-value pairs) for reporting. These values will sent these to a StatsReporter instance, which means the values will appear in the TensorBoard summary, as well as trainer gauges. You can nest stats in TensorBoard by adding "/" in the name (e.g. "Agent/Health" and "Agent/Wallet"). Note that stats are only written to TensorBoard each summary_frequency steps (a trainer configuration). If a stat is received multiple times, within that period then the values will be aggregated using the StatAggregationMethod provided.
Contains exceptions specific to ML-Agents.
Determines the behavior of how multiple stats within the same summary period are combined.