All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file (reverse chronological order).
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning expressed as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:
- Different MAJOR: there is at least one breaking change, and neither version of the package can be substituted for the other. For example, versions 1.2.3 and 2.0.0 are not compatible and cannot be used interchangeably.
- Same MAJOR, different MINOR: the highest MINOR introduces functionality in a backward-compatible way. For example, version 1.3.0 can be used to fulfill a dependency on 1.2.0 because 1.3.0 is backward-compatible; however because it introduces new features, the reverse is not true.
- Same MAJOR.MINOR, different PATCH: the highest PATCH introduces bug fixes without changing the API at all, in a backward-compatible way. For example, versions 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 should be interchangeable as they have the same API, although 1.3.1 contains a bug fix not present in 1.3.0.
[1.0.0] - 2023-03-28
- Speech Synthesizer Sample: Avoid trying to close already closed speech synthesizer.
- Speech Synthesizer Sample: Make UI active/inactive based on speech synthesizer state.
- Bump package version
[1.0.0-pre.3] - 2024-03-18
- Added support for XblPrivacyCheckPermissionForAnonymousUserAsync.
- Bumped version to keep inline with other related packages.
- Revised documentation
[0.2.0] - 2024-02-06
- Bumped version to keep inline with other related packages.
- Updated APIs
[0.1.0] - 2024-01-31
- Preview implementation of API support
- Preview samples
- Preview documentation
This is the first release of Unity Package
Initial release.