All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[0.1.0-preview.9] - 2019-11-22
- Fixed an issue where the Memory Profiler's progress bar would keep being displayed after the window was closed.
- Fixed a UI issue where items selected inside a table would no longer be highlighted.
- The package is now no longer compatible with the following version range of the Editor: 2020.1.0a0 - 2020.1.0a14.
[0.1.0-preview.8] - 2019-11-08
- Fixed the MetaDataInjector warning when using the obsolete EditorApplication.scriptingRuntimeVersion in Unity versions newer than 2019.3.
- Improved native connection stitching to managed objects.
- Integrated v.10 snapshot support where native connections are dumped as Object ID instead of indices.
- Optimized the snapshot crawling process, by reducing the number of heap look-ups.
- Optimized snapshot heap lookup functionality, to use binary search instead of linear search.
- Fixed an issue when importing a snapshot via the Import window would not copy the file into the Memory Captures folder.
- Fixed a number of UI issues related to the Editor theming update.
- The package is now no longer compatible with the following version range of the Editor: 19.3.0a1 - 19.3.0b9. ### Removed
- Removed unnecessary Profiling abstraction code present in the package.
- Removed XML loading support in preparation to deprecate XML usage in the package, and to provide users with an interface to create their own tables.
[0.1.0-preview.7] - 2019-08-02
- Added Screenshots getting taken on capture for Unity versions starting from 2019.3 and up.
- Added window tab icon.
- Added a popup warning about the potential for sharing personally identifying or otherwise sensitive data when sharing snapshots.
- Added info to the documentation regarding potential sensitive data contained in snapshot files.
- Added a button to the preferences to reset the opt-out decisions for above mentioned warning popup.
- Added byte size formatting for size columns in the tables.
- Added "Open Folder" option to the snapshot options menu.
- Fixed snapshot file rename functionality (case 1131905).
- Fixed snapshot file and meta data fields overlapping in 2019.3.x.
- Fixed new snapshot folders getting created with every character change to the path in the Memory Profiler preferences (case 1162851).
- Fixed a numerical overflow when parsing snapshots with large amounts of objects and/or allocations.
- Fixed compile issues due to the removed "EditorApplication.scriptingRuntimeVersion" API.
- Fixed the target selection drop-down which stopped working in 2019.3
- Moved the Memory Profiler preferences under Analysis/Memory Profiler in the Preferences window to group it with Profiler Window Settings.
- Fixed alternating table row colors as well as row selection in 2019.3
- Fixed link text color being hard to read in the light editor skin.
- Metadata collection for Scripting Runtime version for Unity >= 2019.3 since "EditorApplication.scriptingRuntimeVersion" was removed.
[0.1.0-preview.6] - 2019-04-03
- Fixed dangling subscriber for OnPlaymodeChanged.
- Fixed broken metadata injector, implemented metadata processors will now be called.
- Fixed incorrect referencing of managed objects to native objects that did not own them.
- Fixed style sheet warnings.
- Changed the display string of uninitialized types from "Unknown Type" to "Uninitialized Type".
- Fixed missing references for managed objects.
- Fixed incorrect disposal of sidebar delegate.
[0.1.0-preview.5] - 2019-01-29
- Added progress bar displays for actions like opening/importing snapshots.
- Restored binary compatibility with the 2017.4 memory snapshot format.
- Added handling for duplicate GC handles present in the snapshot.
- Lowered the number of GC allocations when crawling a snapshot.
- Upgraded dependency on EditorCoroutines package to 0.0.2-preview.1.
- Changed the initialization of the managed memory sections to not overallocate.
- Fixed an issue where selecting a region on the memory map would expand the table underneath onto the whole window.
- Fixed an issue where closing either snapshot (with two snapshots loaded) would close the other one instead.
- Resolved UI issues with upstream UI elements versions.
- Removed links in columns: Native Object Name, Native Size. For the Native Objects table.
[0.1.0-preview.4] - 2019-01-02
- Added on demand computing for tables with the purpose of speeding up the snapshot opening process.
- Added better handling for corrupted snapshots, in order to avoid having the UI become non-responsive.
- Changed the managed data crawler to use a stack based approach in order to avoid stack overflows when processing large amounts of managed object references.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to rename a snapshot with two snapshots open would cause an I/O sharing violation, due to the other snapshot being closed instead.
- Changed capture sequence to first output to a temporary (.tmpsnap) file, to avoid having the Workbench's refresh functionality(triggered during application focus) try to access a snapshot that currently being streamed from a remote target.
[0.1.0-preview.3] - 2018-12-17
- Added enable callback for the capture button, to support cases where the compilation guards get triggered by building the Player.
- Added missing deregister step for the compilation callbacks to the OnDisable method.
[0.1.0-preview.2] - 2018-12-12
- Added documentation for the package.
- Added a table display underneath the "TreeMap" in order to display data about the currently selected object.
- Added metadata injection functionality, to allow users to specify their metadata collection in a simple way.
- Added "Diff" functionality for the "MemoryMap".
- Added import functionality for old snapshot formats that were exported via the "Bitbucket Memory Profiler".
- Added platform icons for snapshots whose metadata contains the platform from which they were taken.
- Added basic file management functionality (rename, delete) for the "Workbench". It can be found under the option cogwheel of the snapshots.
- Added the "Open Snapshots View" to the "Workbench", where users can Diff the last two open snapshots.
- Reworked the "MemoryMap" to display memory allocations in a more intuitive way, allowing better understanding of the captured memory layout.
- Reworked the "Workbench" to manage the snapshot directory and display all snaphot files contained in it. The "Workbench" default directory resides in "[ProjectRoot]/MemoryCaptures".
- General UX improvements.
- Removed "Diff" button from the snapshot entries inside the "Workbench".
- Removed "Delete" button from the snapshot entries inside the "Workbench". Delete can instead be found in the menu under the options cogwheel of the snapshot.
[0.1.0-preview.1] - 2018-11-15
- Added memory snapshot crawler.
- Added data caching for the crawled snapshot.
- Added database and tables for displaying processed object data.
- Added "Diff" functionality to tables, in order to allow the user to compare two different snapshots.
- Migrated the "TreeMap" view from the bitbucket memory profiler.
- Added XML syntax for defining tables, with default tables being defined inside "memview.xml".
- Added the concept of a "Workbench" to allow the user to save a list of known snapshots.
- Added the "MemoryMap" view to allow users to see the allocated memory space for their application.
This is the first release of Unity Package Memory Profiler.
Source code release of the Memory Profiler package, with no added documentation.