Struct uint2x2
A 2x2 matrix of uints.
Namespace: Unity.Mathematics
public struct uint2x2 : System.IEquatable<uint2x2>, IFormattable
Name | Description |
uint2x2(Boolean) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from a single bool value by converting it to uint and assigning it to every component. |
uint2x2(Double) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from a single double value by converting it to uint and assigning it to every component. |
uint2x2(Int32) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from a single int value by converting it to uint and assigning it to every component. |
uint2x2(Single) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from a single float value by converting it to uint and assigning it to every component. |
uint2x2(UInt32) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from a single uint value by assigning it to every component. |
uint2x2(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from 4 uint values given in row-major order. |
uint2x2(bool2x2) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from a bool2x2 matrix by componentwise conversion. |
uint2x2(double2x2) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from a double2x2 matrix by componentwise conversion. |
uint2x2(float2x2) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from a float2x2 matrix by componentwise conversion. |
uint2x2(int2x2) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from a int2x2 matrix by componentwise conversion. |
uint2x2(uint2, uint2) | Constructs a uint2x2 matrix from two uint2 vectors. |
Name | Description |
c0 | Column 0 of the matrix. |
c1 | Column 1 of the matrix. |
identity | uint2x2 identity transform. |
zero | uint2x2 zero value. |
Name | Description |
Item[Int32] | Returns the uint2 element at a specified index. |
Name | Description |
Equals(Object) | Returns true if the uint2x2 is equal to a given uint2x2, false otherwise. |
Equals(uint2x2) | Returns true if the uint2x2 is equal to a given uint2x2, false otherwise. |
GetHashCode() | Returns a hash code for the uint2x2. |
ToString() | Returns a string representation of the uint2x2. |
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) | Returns a string representation of the uint2x2 using a specified format and culture-specific format information. |
Name | Description |
Addition(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise addition operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
Addition(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise addition operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
Addition(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise addition operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
BitwiseAnd(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise and operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
BitwiseAnd(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise and operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
BitwiseAnd(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise and operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
BitwiseOr(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise or operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
BitwiseOr(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise or operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
BitwiseOr(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise or operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
Decrement(uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise decrement operation on a uint2x2 matrix. |
Division(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise division operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
Division(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise division operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
Division(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise division operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
Equality(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise equality operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
Equality(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise equality operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
Equality(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise equality operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
ExclusiveOr(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise exclusive or operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
ExclusiveOr(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise exclusive or operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
ExclusiveOr(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise exclusive or operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
Explicit(Boolean to uint2x2) | Explicitly converts a single bool value to a uint2x2 matrix by converting it to uint and assigning it to every component. |
Explicit(Double to uint2x2) | Explicitly converts a single double value to a uint2x2 matrix by converting it to uint and assigning it to every component. |
Explicit(Int32 to uint2x2) | Explicitly converts a single int value to a uint2x2 matrix by converting it to uint and assigning it to every component. |
Explicit(Single to uint2x2) | Explicitly converts a single float value to a uint2x2 matrix by converting it to uint and assigning it to every component. |
Explicit(bool2x2 to uint2x2) | Explicitly converts a bool2x2 matrix to a uint2x2 matrix by componentwise conversion. |
Explicit(double2x2 to uint2x2) | Explicitly converts a double2x2 matrix to a uint2x2 matrix by componentwise conversion. |
Explicit(float2x2 to uint2x2) | Explicitly converts a float2x2 matrix to a uint2x2 matrix by componentwise conversion. |
Explicit(int2x2 to uint2x2) | Explicitly converts a int2x2 matrix to a uint2x2 matrix by componentwise conversion. |
GreaterThan(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise greater than operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
GreaterThan(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise greater than operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
GreaterThan(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise greater than operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
GreaterThanOrEqual(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise greater or equal operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
GreaterThanOrEqual(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise greater or equal operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
GreaterThanOrEqual(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise greater or equal operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
Implicit(UInt32 to uint2x2) | Implicitly converts a single uint value to a uint2x2 matrix by assigning it to every component. |
Increment(uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise increment operation on a uint2x2 matrix. |
Inequality(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise not equal operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
Inequality(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise not equal operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
Inequality(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise not equal operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
LeftShift(uint2x2, Int32) | Returns the result of a componentwise left shift operation on a uint2x2 matrix by a number of bits specified by a single int. |
LessThan(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise less than operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
LessThan(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise less than operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
LessThan(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise less than operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
LessThanOrEqual(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise less or equal operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
LessThanOrEqual(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise less or equal operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
LessThanOrEqual(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise less or equal operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
Modulus(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise modulus operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
Modulus(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise modulus operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
Modulus(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise modulus operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
Multiply(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise multiplication operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
Multiply(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise multiplication operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
Multiply(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise multiplication operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
OnesComplement(uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise bitwise not operation on a uint2x2 matrix. |
RightShift(uint2x2, Int32) | Returns the result of a componentwise right shift operation on a uint2x2 matrix by a number of bits specified by a single int. |
Subtraction(UInt32, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise subtraction operation on a uint value and a uint2x2 matrix. |
Subtraction(uint2x2, UInt32) | Returns the result of a componentwise subtraction operation on a uint2x2 matrix and a uint value. |
Subtraction(uint2x2, uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise subtraction operation on two uint2x2 matrices. |
UnaryNegation(uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise unary minus operation on a uint2x2 matrix. |
UnaryPlus(uint2x2) | Returns the result of a componentwise unary plus operation on a uint2x2 matrix. |