Actions reference guide
Actions are operations that happen when all conditions in your proxy are met.
Face landmarks action (FaceLandmarksAction
Adds face landmarks as children gameobjects to the proxy for later anchoring content. More info can be found on the face landmarks section.
Target Relation | Description |
Create all face landmarks | Creates children landmarks for every part of the face that can be tracked, such as the eyes, nose, earts, etc. Content that is a child of the landmark will be attached to that part of the face. |
Add landmark | Selectively adds face landmarks to the proxy |
Plane landmarks action (PlaneLandmarksAction
Adds plane landmarks as children gameobjects to the proxy for anchoring content. More info can be found in the Plane landmarks section.
Target Relation | Description |
Show Debug Visuals | If enabled, the landmark will draw debugging gizmos in the scene when the gameobject is selected. |
Debug Color | The color to use when drawing debug gizmos for this landmark. |
Add Landmark... | Adds a landmark as a children gameobject to the proxy. Options: Centroid: Landmark is the calculated center of the plane's vertices, Bounding Rect: Landmark is the smallest rectangle that encapsulates the plane. This is a polygon landmark like the PlaneLandmarkAction itself, and it can create child landmarks from the bounding rectangle vertices. Provided Center: Landmark position is the center point that is associated with the plane by the data provider. Closest (point, edge, pose): Landmark is the closest point, edge or pose to another transform. The Pose type will orient forward towards the target, but always aligned to the surface of the plane. |
Build surface action (BuildSurfaceAction
Creates a surface over the tracked planes. This component requires a MeshFilter
or a MeshCollider
component to work.
If you want to make a collider for every detected plane, you can use a Proxy Replicator and on the child Proxy Object add the plane condition, the Build Surface action (you need to remove Set Pose first) and add a Mesh Collider. This will instantiate a proxy with a collider for each detected surface.
Target Relation | Description |
Local Plane Offset | Offsets the created plane in local space. Offset in Y axis to clarify depth ordering |
Reset On Loss | When enabled, the object's pose and scale will be reset if the data for the proxy is lost. |
Body expression action (BodyExpressionAction
Matches a human body pose against saved BodyPoseData
poses. With this you can track if a person is seated, or raising hands or body pose you can do; for more information refer to the matching body poses section.
Target Relation | Description |
Create Body Pose | When pressed, opens quickly the avatar editor inspector for creating body poses. For more info, refer to the Matching body poses section. |
Angle Tolerance | Refers to the maximum permitted bone angles between the current tracked human and the pose being compared against. 0 means the pose has to match exactly. A good matching value would be ~30 to 60 degrees. |
Scale To Match Height | Scales the body to match the actual height of the person. |
Trigger Events | Array of pairs of Body Poses (BodyPoseData ) and events you can trigger when the pose gets matched. |
Face action (FaceAction
Positions and animates a tracked AR Facemesh.
Target Relation | Description |
Face Anchor Override | Set a transform here if you want to animate the face via the action but have it locked elsewhere, like you were putting a face on an AR statue or something. |
Face Mesh | This acts as an occluder for the face; This gets set/replaced by the animated face mesh from the active facetracking system (if available). |
Face expression action (FaceExpressionAction
Lets you create events when certain face movements happen.
Target Relation | Description |
Add Event | Creates a new list of events that get triggered when a specific face movement happens. |
Available Face Events | |
Left Eye Open | Left Eye Close |
Right Eye Open | Right Eye Close |
Left Eyebrow Raise | Left Eyebrow Lower |
Right Eyebrow Raise | Right Eyebrow Lower |
Both Eyebrows Raise | Both Eyebrows Lower |
Left Lip Corner Raise | Left Lip Corner Lower |
Right Lip Corner Raise | Right Lip Corner Lower |
Smile Engaged | Smile Disengaged |
Mout Close | Mouth Open |
Match body pose action (MatchBodyPoseAction
This component lets you make a mecanim humanoid avatar match movements a tracked person can do. It lets you attach assets to body landmarks (i.e a hat, a watch, a necktie) so they can be augmented and placed when tracking a person.
To understand better how the body tracking works; refer to the Body tracking section in the MARS docs.
Target Relation | Description |
Body Rig | Transparent Default: Creates a default body rig as a child of this proxy, this body rig is useful when creating landarks in bodies, Custom Avatar: Lets you select a humanoid avatar to match to the tracked body. |
Animator | Reference to the Humanoid's Animator that you want to match body poses to the tracked person. |
Edit Bindings | Lets you edit the current assigned avatar pose that is references in the animator field. |
Scale To Match Height | Scales the humanoid avatar to match the actual height of the person. |
Reset On Tracking Loss | When enabled, the object pose and scale will be reset if the data for it is lost. |
Match action (MatchAction
This component lets you trigger your onw methods when this proxy's conditon is met.
Target Relation | Description |
On Match Acquire | Event called when the conditions on the proxy are matched. |
On Match Update | Event called each frame while the conditions on the proxy are matched. |
On Match Loss | Event called when one or more conditions on the proxy are not met and the proxy match is loss. |
On Match Timeout | Event called when no query match has been found in time. |
Set aligned pose action (SetAlignedPoseAction
Syncs the gameobject's position with the real world object and aligns the long side to the X-Axis.
Target Relation | Description |
Follow Match Updates | When enabled, movement of the matched data, such as surface resizing will be followed. |
Reset On Loss | When enabled, the object's pose and scale will be reset if the data for it is lost. |
Set pose action (SetPoseAction
Set the position of this game object to the position of the found real-world object.
Target Relation | Description |
Follow Match Updates | When enabled, movement of the matched data, such as surface resizing will be followed.. |
AlignWith World Up | The axis that will be aligned to the world up direction. If set to None (default), the data's pose rotation will be used directly. If set to Y, the local Y axis will always be aligned with the world Up direction. If set to Z, the local Z axis will always be aligned with the world Up direction. |
Reset On Loss | When enabled, the object's pose and scale will be reset if the data for it is lost.. |
Show Objects on tracking action (ShowChildrenOnTrackingAction
Activates children if the parent Real World Object is tracked; disables children otherwise.
Show Objects in bounds action (ShowChildrenInBoundsAction
Disables any children outside of the real-world object's bounds.
Stretch to extents action (StretchToExtentsAction
Scales children to fit the bounds of their parent real world object.
Target Relation | Description |
Planar Stretch | How content should be scaled to match the extents of an AR object. |
Vertical Stretch | How content should be scaled vertically to match the extents of an AR object. |
Base Scale | The default size of the proxy that will be used to scale down the effect from the bounds. |
Reset On Loss | When enabled, the object's pose and scale will be reset if the data for it is lost. |