Interface ILoggableMirrorStruct
Interface that is used by Unity.Logging to understand how to convert a mirror structure into UnsafeText
Namespace: Unity.Logging
Assembly: Unity.Logging.dll
public interface ILoggableMirrorStruct
This not typed variant is used inside Unity.Logging, for user usage see ILoggable
AppendToUnsafeText(ref UnsafeText, ref FormatterStruct, ref LogMemoryManager, ref ArgumentInfo, int)
Method that defines how the origin type should be converted into text form in Unity.Logging. Similar to a ToString.
bool AppendToUnsafeText(ref UnsafeText output, ref FormatterStruct formatter, ref LogMemoryManager memAllocator, ref ArgumentInfo currArgSlot, int depth)
Type | Name | Description |
Unsafe |
output | Where to append |
Formatter |
formatter | Current formatter that is used by the sink. Could be json/text/etc. |
Log |
memAllocator | Memory manager that holds binary representation of the mirror struct |
Argument |
currArgSlot | Hole that was used to describe the struct in the log message, for instance |
int | depth | Current depth, it is a good idea to not append anything if depth is high to avoid stack overflow |
Type | Description |
bool | True if append was successful, for instance no FormatErrors happened |