Conditional Formatter
Conditional formatting occurs on any placeholder that contains a pipe character |
after the colon :
To invoke the Conditional Formatter explicitly use the name "conditional" or "cond". It can also be used implicitly when no name is provided.
Data Type | Syntax | Example |
Number (Integer, Double, etc...) | {0:one|default} | {0} {0:item|items} |
{0} {0:item|items} | {0:no items|one item|many items} | |
{0:negative|zero|one|default} | {0:negative items|no items|one item|many items} | |
bool | {0:true|false} | Enabled? {0:Yes|No} |
string | {0:default|null or empty} | Text: {0:{0}|No text to display} |
DateTime | {0:before|after} (as compared to Date.Now) | My birthday {0:was on|will be on} {0:MMMM d} |
TimeSpan | {0:negative|positive} | My birthday {0:was {0} ago|will be in {0} from now} |
{0:negative|zero|positive} | My birthday {0:was {0} ago|is today!|will be in {0} from now} | |
object | {0:default|nothing} | Property: {0:{0}|(Nothing)} |
Each parameter is separated by |
. The comparison is followed by a ?
and then the text. The last (default) entry does not contain a comparison nor a ?
The following comparisons are supported:
- >=
- >
- =
- <
- <=
- !=
To combine comparisons, use &
for AND or /
for OR.
Example Smart String | Arguments | Result |
{0:cond:>10?Greater Than 10\|=10?Equals to 10\|Less than 10} | 5 |
Less than 10 |
{Age:cond:>=55?Senior Citizen|>=30?Adult|>=18?Young Adult|>12?Teenager|>2?Child|Baby} |
Adult |