Method PushStringTableCollection
PushStringTableCollection(int, StringTableCollection, IList<SheetColumn>, ITaskReporter)
Extracts data from collection
using columnMapping
and sends it to the sheet
inside of the Spreadsheet with id SpreadSheetId.
This method requires the SheetsService to use OAuth authorization as an API Key does not have the ability to write to a sheet.
public void PushStringTableCollection(int sheetId, StringTableCollection collection, IList<SheetColumn> columnMapping, ITaskReporter reporter = null)
Type | Name | Description |
int | sheetId | The sheet(Spreadsheet tab) to insert the data into. |
StringTableCollection | collection | The collection to extract the data from. |
IList<SheetColumn> | columnMapping | The column mappings control what data will be extracted for each column of the sheet. The list must contain 1 KeyColumn. |
ITaskReporter | reporter | Optional reporter to display the progress and status of the task. |
A StringTableCollection can exist over several Google Sheets, for example one per Locale. This example shows to push one of those Locales.
[MenuItem("Localization/Google Sheets/Push English")]
public static void PushEnglish()
// Setup the connection to Google. You will need a preconfigured SheetsServiceProvider asset.
var sheetServiceProvider = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SheetsServiceProvider>("Assets/Sheets Service Provider.asset");
var googleSheets = new GoogleSheets(sheetServiceProvider);
googleSheets.SpreadSheetId = "My spread sheet id"; // We need to provide the Spreadsheet id. This can be found in the url. See docs for further info.
// Prepare the data we want to push.
// You should provide your String Table Collection name here
var tableCollection = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollection("My Strings");
// We need configure what each column will contain in the sheet
var columnMappings = new SheetColumn[]
// Column A will contain the Key
new KeyColumn { Column = "A" },
// Column B will contain any shared comments. These are Comment Metadata in the Shared category.
new KeyCommentColumn { Column = "B" },
// Column C will contain the English Locale and any comments that are just for this Locale.
new LocaleColumn { Column = "C", LocaleIdentifier = "en", IncludeComments = true },
int mySheetId = 123456; // This it the id of the sheet in the Google Spreadsheet. it will be in the url after `gid=`.
// Now send the update.
googleSheets.PushStringTableCollection(mySheetId, tableCollection, columnMappings);
This example shows how to push all the locales in your project by using ColumnMapping to generate the column mapping data for you.
[MenuItem("Localization/Google Sheets/Push Project Locales")]
public static void PushProjectLocales()
// Setup the connection to Google. You will need a preconfigured SheetsServiceProvider asset.
var sheetServiceProvider = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SheetsServiceProvider>("Assets/Sheets Service Provider.asset");
var googleSheets = new GoogleSheets(sheetServiceProvider);
googleSheets.SpreadSheetId = "My spread sheet id"; // We need to provide the Spreadsheet id. This can be found in the url. See docs for further info.
// Prepare the data we want to push.
// You should provide your String Table Collection name here
var tableCollection = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollection("My Strings");
// CreateDefaultMapping will create a KeyColumn and a LocaleColumn for each Locale in the project.
var columnMappings = ColumnMapping.CreateDefaultMapping();
int mySheetId = 123456; // This is the id of the sheet in the Google Spreadsheet. it will be in the url after `gid=`.
// Now send the update. We can pass in an optional ProgressBarReporter so that we can see updates in the Editor.
googleSheets.PushStringTableCollection(mySheetId, tableCollection, columnMappings, new ProgressBarReporter());
This example shows how to use the data that was configured in the GoogleSheetsExtension to perform a push.
[MenuItem("Localization/Google Sheets/Push With Google Extension")]
public static void PushWithExtension()
// You should provide your String Table Collection name here
var tableCollection = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollection("My Strings");
var googleExtension = tableCollection.Extensions.FirstOrDefault(e => e is GoogleSheetsExtension) as GoogleSheetsExtension;
if (googleExtension == null)
Debug.LogError($"String Table Collection {tableCollection.TableCollectionName} Does not contain a Google Sheets Extension.");
static void PushExtension(GoogleSheetsExtension googleExtension)
// Setup the connection to Google
var googleSheets = new GoogleSheets(googleExtension.SheetsServiceProvider);
googleSheets.SpreadSheetId = googleExtension.SpreadsheetId;
// Now send the update. We can pass in an optional ProgressBarReporter so that we can updates in the Editor.
googleSheets.PushStringTableCollection(googleExtension.SheetId, googleExtension.TargetCollection as StringTableCollection, googleExtension.Columns, new ProgressBarReporter());
This example shows how to push every StringTableCollection that contains a GoogleSheetsExtension.
[MenuItem("Localization/Google Sheets/Push All Google Sheets Extensions")]
public static void PushAllExtensions()
// Get every String Table Collection
var stringTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections();
foreach (var collection in stringTableCollections)
// Its possible a String Table Collection may have more than one GoogleSheetsExtension.
// For example if each Locale we pushed/pulled from a different sheet.
foreach (var extension in collection.Extensions)
if (extension is GoogleSheetsExtension googleExtension)