Method PullIntoStringTableCollection
PullIntoStringTableCollection(int, StringTableCollection, IList<SheetColumn>, bool, ITaskReporter, bool)
Pulls data from the Spreadsheet with id SpreadcolumnMapping
to populate the collection
public void PullIntoStringTableCollection(int sheetId, StringTableCollection collection, IList<SheetColumn> columnMapping, bool removeMissingEntries = false, ITaskReporter reporter = null, bool createUndo = false)
Type | Name | Description |
int | sheetId | The sheet(Spreadsheet tab) to pull the data from. |
String |
collection | The collection to insert the data into. |
IList<Sheet |
columnMapping | The column mappings control what data to extract for each column of the sheet. The list must contain one IPull |
bool | removeMissingEntries | After a pull has completed, any keys that exist in the |
ITask |
reporter | Optional reporter to display the progress and status of the task. |
bool | createUndo | Should an Undo be recorded so any changes can be reverted? |
A String
[MenuItem("Localization/Google Sheets/Pull English")]
public static void PullEnglish()
// Setup the connection to Google. You will need a preconfigured SheetsServiceProvider asset.
var sheetServiceProvider = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SheetsServiceProvider>("Assets/Sheets Service Provider.asset");
var googleSheets = new GoogleSheets(sheetServiceProvider);
googleSheets.SpreadSheetId = "My spread sheet id"; // We need to provide the Spreadsheet id. This can be found in the url. See docs for further info.
// You should provide your String Table Collection name here
var tableCollection = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollection("My Strings");
// We need configure what each column contains in the sheet
var columnMappings = new SheetColumn[]
// Column A contains the Key
new KeyColumn { Column = "A" },
// Column B contains any shared comments. These are Comment Metadata in the Shared category.
new KeyCommentColumn { Column = "B" },
// Column C contains the English Locale and any comments that are just for this Locale.
new LocaleColumn { Column = "C", LocaleIdentifier = "en", IncludeComments = true },
int mySheetId = 123456; // This it the id of the sheet in the Google Spreadsheet. it will be in the url after `gid=`.
googleSheets.PullIntoStringTableCollection(mySheetId, tableCollection, columnMappings);
This example shows how to pull all the locales in your project by using the Column
[MenuItem("Localization/Google Sheets/Pull Project Locales")]
public static void PullProjectLocales()
// Setup the connection to Google. You will need a preconfigured SheetsServiceProvider asset.
var sheetServiceProvider = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<SheetsServiceProvider>("Assets/Sheets Service Provider.asset");
var googleSheets = new GoogleSheets(sheetServiceProvider);
googleSheets.SpreadSheetId = "My spread sheet id"; // We need to provide the Spreadsheet id. This can be found in the url. See docs for further info.
// You should provide your String Table Collection name here
var tableCollection = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollection("My Strings");
// CreateDefaultMapping will create a KeyColumn and a LocaleColumn for each Locale in the project.
// This assumes that the table was created and pushed to using the same column mappings.
var columnMappings = ColumnMapping.CreateDefaultMapping();
int mySheetId = 123456; // This it the id of the sheet in the Google Spreadsheet. it will be in the url after `gid=`.
// Now pull.
// removeMissingEntries will remove any Keys that we have in the String Table Collection that do not exist in the Pull update.
// reporter is an optional reporter that can be used to povide feedback in the editor during the Pull.
googleSheets.PullIntoStringTableCollection(mySheetId, tableCollection, columnMappings, removeMissingEntries: true, reporter: new ProgressBarReporter());
This example shows how to use the data that was configured in a Google Sheets extension to perform a pull.
[MenuItem("Localization/Google Sheets/Pull With Google Extension")]
public static void PullWithExtension()
// You should provide your String Table Collection name here
var tableCollection = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollection("My Strings");
var googleExtension = tableCollection.Extensions.FirstOrDefault(e => e is GoogleSheetsExtension) as GoogleSheetsExtension;
if (googleExtension == null)
Debug.LogError($"String Table Collection {tableCollection.TableCollectionName} Does not contain a Google Sheets Extension.");
static void PullExtension(GoogleSheetsExtension googleExtension)
// Setup the connection to Google
var googleSheets = new GoogleSheets(googleExtension.SheetsServiceProvider);
googleSheets.SpreadSheetId = googleExtension.SpreadsheetId;
// Now update the collection. We can pass in an optional ProgressBarReporter so that we can updates in the Editor.
googleSheets.PullIntoStringTableCollection(googleExtension.SheetId, googleExtension.TargetCollection as StringTableCollection, googleExtension.Columns, reporter: new ProgressBarReporter());
This example shows how to pull every String
[MenuItem("Localization/Google Sheets/Pull All Google Sheets Extensions")]
public static void PullAllExtensions()
// Get every String Table Collection
var stringTableCollections = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollections();
foreach (var collection in stringTableCollections)
// Its possible a String Table Collection may have more than one GoogleSheetsExtension.
// For example if each Locale we pushed/pulled from a different sheet.
foreach (var extension in collection.Extensions)
if (extension is GoogleSheetsExtension googleExtension)