Struct DeltaSamplingTime
A delta sampling time is used to uniquely identfy a sub-sampled animation frame and optionally a root transform offset that occured while reading across segment boundaries.
Namespace: Unity.Kinematica
Assembly: solution.dll
public struct DeltaSamplingTime
The behavior when a time index is advanced (forward or backward) across a segment boundary is determined by whether or not boundary clips have been specified in the Kinematica asset builder tool. If we advance a time index across a segment boundary an additional root delta transform might be required to bridge the segment gap.
Name | Description |
crossed |
Determines whether or not a boundary has been crossed as a result of advancing a time index. |
delta |
Denotes the optional delta root transform required to bridge the segment boundary. |
sampling |
Denotes the sampling time this delta sampling time refers to. |
Name | Description |
Invalid |