Enum GamepadButton
Enum of common gamepad buttons.
Namespace: UnityEngine .InputSystem .LowLevel
Assembly: Unity.InputSystem.dll
public enum GamepadButton
Can be used as an array indexer on the Gamepad class to get individual button controls.
Name | Description |
A | The A button on an Xbox controller. |
B | The B button on an Xbox controller. |
Circle | The circle button on a PlayStation controller. |
Cross | The cross button on a PlayStation controller. |
DpadDown | The down button on a gamepad's dpad. |
DpadLeft | The left button on a gamepad's dpad. |
DpadRight | The right button on a gamepad's dpad. |
DpadUp | The up button on a gamepad's dpad. |
East | The right action button on a gamepad. |
LeftShoulder | The left shoulder button on a gamepad. |
LeftStick | The button pressed by pressing down the left stick on a gamepad. |
LeftTrigger | The left trigger button on a gamepad. |
North | The upper action button on a gamepad. |
RightShoulder | The right shoulder button on a gamepad. |
RightStick | The button pressed by pressing down the right stick on a gamepad. |
RightTrigger | The right trigger button on a gamepad. |
Select | The select button. |
South | The lower action button on a gamepad. |
Square | The square button on a PlayStation controller. |
Start | The start button. |
Triangle | The triangle button on a PlayStation controller. |
West | The left action button on a gamepad. |
X | The X button on an Xbox controller. |
Y | The Y button on an Xbox controller. |