Class AndroidGamepad
Gamepad on Android. Comprises all types of gamepads supported on Android.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .InputSystem .Android
Assembly: Unity.InputSystem.dll
public class AndroidGamepad : Gamepad, IDualMotorRumble, IHaptics
Most of the gamepads:
- My-Power CO.,LTD. PS(R) Controller Adaptor (Following tested and work with: Nvidia Shield TV (OS 9); Galaxy Note 20 Ultra (OS 11); Galaxy S9+ (OS 10.0))
- Sony Interactive Entertainment Wireless (PS4 DualShock) (Also tested and DOES NOT WORK with Galaxy S9 (OS 8.0); Galaxy S8 (OS 7.0); Xiaomi Mi Note2 (OS 8.0))
- Xbox Wireless Controller (Xbox One) (Also tested and works on Samsung Galaxy S8 (OS 7.0); Xiaomi Mi Note2 (OS 8.0))
- NVIDIA Controller v01.03/v01.04
- (Add more) map buttons in the following way: Left Stick -> AXIS_X(0) / AXIS_Y(1) Right Stick -> AXIS_Z (11) / AXIS_RZ(14) Right Thumb -> KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBR(107) Left Thumb -> KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBL(106) L1 (Left shoulder) -> KEYCODE_BUTTON_L1(102) R1 (Right shoulder) -> KEYCODE_BUTTON_R1(103) L2 (Left trigger) -> AXIS_BRAKE(23) R2 (Right trigger) -> AXIS_GAS(22) X -> KEYCODE_BUTTON_X(99) Y -> KEYCODE_BUTTON_Y(100) B -> KEYCODE_BUTTON_B(97) A -> KEYCODE_BUTTON_A(96) DPAD -> AXIS_HAT_X(15),AXIS_HAT_Y(16) or KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT(21), KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT(22), KEYCODE_DPAD_UP(19), KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN(20), Note: On Nvidia Shield Console, L2/R2 additionally invoke key events for AXIS_LTRIGGER, AXIS_RTRIGGER (in addition to AXIS_BRAKE, AXIS_GAS) If you connect gamepad to a phone for L2/R2 only AXIS_BRAKE/AXIS_GAS come. AXIS_LTRIGGER, AXIS_RTRIGGER are not invoked. That's why we map triggers only to AXIS_BRAKE/AXIS_GAS Nvidia Shield also reports KEYCODE_BACK instead of KEYCODE_BUTTON_SELECT, so Options(XboxOne Controller)/View(DualShock)/Select buttons do not work PS4 controller is officially supported from Android 10 and higher ( However, some devices with older OS have fixed PS4 controller support on their drivers this leads to following situation: Some gamepads on Android devices (with same Android number version) might have different mappings For ex., Dualshock, on NVidia Shield Console (OS 8.0) all buttons correctly map according to rules in AndroidGameControllerState when clicking left shoulder it will go to AndroidKeyCode.ButtonL1, rightShoulder -> AndroidKeyCode.ButtonR1, etc But, on Samsung Galaxy S9 (OS 8.0), the mapping is different (Same for Xiaomi Mi Note2 (OS 8.0), Samsung Galaxy S8 (OS 7.0)) when clicking left shoulder it will go to AndroidKeyCode.ButtonY, rightShoulder -> AndroidKeyCode.ButtonZ, etc So even though Android version is 8.0 in both cases, Dualshock will only correctly work on NVidia Shield Console It's obvious that this depends on the driver and not Android OS, thus we can only assume Samsung in this case doesn't properly support Dualshock in their drivers While we can do custom mapping for Samsung, we can never now when will they try to update the driver for Dualshock or some other gamepad