Import with an Alternative Importer
An Importer is a library that reads a given 3D format (CAD/Mesh/PointCloud), allowing Pixyz Plugin to import models encoded in this format.
The Prefer Alternative Importers parameter gives the possibility to import some formats using a secondary importer, if the default one does not give satisfaction (e.g. a broken surface or a missing metadata property).
See the Supported formats table to know which format is compatible with the Prefer Alternative Importers parameter.
How to
To enable the Alternative Importer parameter, follow these steps:
From the Toolbox menu, click Import CAD or Import Point Cloud
Select the source file to import.
A new
CAD Importer Scriptable Object
script with the name of the source file is created in the 3DModels folder, and automatically focused in the Inspector. It stores the link to the source file and the import parameters.From the Inspector, toggle the Debug mode, clicking the More Items (⋮) button
From the list of parameters listed in the Inspector, enable the Prefer Alternative Importers parameter
From the Inspector, toggle the Normal mode, clicking the More Items (⋮) button
For the next steps, follow the procedure for each situation: