All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[2.0.1] - 2021-05-12
- Added extensibility for custom build targets
- Added the camera toggle features (find and set product model on Follow and LookAt)
- Added a menu option to force a reimport of all shaders
- Added creating a material with an imported texture
- Added the configurator flag that creating camera if empty before play and build
- Added AssetBundle content debugger in Export Profile
- Created a new query node type for playables
- Add a MinSize to the Profile Window to avoid the resize at a point where the window is unusable.
- Add a menu to open Unity Recorder
- The product location can now be set per environment by using the Position > Move Product button in the Environments tab of the Configurator
- Added visual effects on the variant table for selected, focused and hovered elements
- Added a prefernce setting "Filter Hidden Variants" and Product Gear icon menu to show/hide hidden VariantSets
- Added Forma adapter asset and workbench to ease creation of custom adapters
- Refactored Drag and Drop Tests
- Refactored Drag and Drop Dialogue Window
- Added Undo Consenser to handle all operations performed during Drag and Drop
- Fixed intermittent automatic undo after a Drag and Drop event
- Added the camera blend hint property in UI
- Added Hotspot UI and new functionalities
- Added Cloud Content Delivery support for building and loading remote products
- Added the "IsFormaManaged" variable to IProductSource so that Forma can manage the product source without overwriting user data
- Improved Export Tab UI
- Rule editor now supports VariantSets
- Added the feature of camera reordering
- Fixed cascading drop handlers
- Added the product and environmnet thumbnail update features
- Added warning in profile when multiple render pipelines are used
- Added warning in profile when trying to use a product or environment which uses a different render pipeline
- Added a drop zone to the VariantTableUI to guarentee that there will always be some empty space even if VariantTableUI is full/scrolling
- Quality level and profile selection will be automatically switched when building a non-active profile; default quality setting must still be set manually
- Changed the hover color for the dropdowns in the runtime UI for better visibility
- Products will now have their own addressable product group to avoid multi render pipeline conflicts
- Changed menu items to be disabled in playmode for pertinent actions
- Improved camera creation and modification performance handling none-asset objects (Saving assets in Build or Scene saving
- Changed GameView to always reset to 1 in Forma mode
- The UI section for the Assignments in the Variant Table now automatically expands to fill all available space
- The Profile settings tab order has been changed to show Products first
- Changed the version update dialog to allow external components such as renderstudio to be part of it
- Improve configuration difference calculation and fix issues related to the edge cases of Render Studio
- Added a Export Build settings button to Enable / Disable the Splashscreen instead of forcing it to False
- Newly generated Variant and Variant Set codes have GUIDs which are guaranteed to be unique
- Dragging and Dropping a Material or GameObject onto a Variant in the Variant Table will no longer change that Variant's code
- Improved camera usability that set find root product on Follow while changing camera behavior type to Orbit
- Calling QueryProductInfo with another product than currently loaded logs warning and returns an error
- Update the default state to disable for the ScaleRelativeToCamera component on the Hotspot creation
- Rework of Hotspots and Camera parents
- Environment, Product and Forma profiles will use the active configurator profile to set their RenderPipelineType during creation
- Fixed a bug where a pack cannot be unselected in runtime
- Fixed a build error when using the latest Addressable package
- Fixed the product ModelSet not always being created at (0,0,0)
- Fixed the product location being calculated incorrectly when adding a new product while a product is already loaded
- Fixed the missing "PRODUCT" label on addressable asset settings so products can be loaded at runtime.
- Fixed the issue of camera zooming on runtime ui panel
- Fixed Runtime packs label not updated according to selection
- Fixed the save dialog for WebGL and mobile build targets to use a folder instead of a file.
- Fixed Variant table not synchronizing to Runtime Variant selection
- Fixed renaming a variant or pack using the keyboard shortcut after creating it
- Fixed the switching camera inner tab fail
- Fixed a bug where switchCameraStarted and switchCameraFinished where called in reverse
- Fixed an issue where selecting the 'Rename' options from the Variant table wouldn't always let you rename the variant
- Variant Table Assignment menu items will now be disabled if there are no items/nothing is selected
- Fixed asset saving fail when a scene is saving
- Fixed an issue where Variant table was displaying "Show More" when it should not
- Fixed an issue where the LoadScenesCommandAsync could remain stuck in an infinite loop
- Fixed an exception when a Build Profile was created without a Configurator in the scene
- Fixed the issue where the first build profile is automatically selected after creating a build
- Fixed the Product library not adding fbx properly
- Fixed adding new material variant by drag and dropping materials is sync with the 3D view
- Fixed import of pxz files
- Fixed the "Select all parts with this material" option not selecting inactive GameObjects
- Fixed a bug that LookAtObject creation multiple times when it is empty
- Fixed a bug that move to the top panel whenever clicks 'Depth of field' activation
- Fixed a bug that deleting custom script while deleting camera
- Fixed play mode splash screen staying visible when no environment scene is present in the Forma profile
- Fixed the product outline window to be shown the first time and also to be shown when the layout is reset to default.
- Fixed an exception happening when unchecking scene for build
- Fixed the save of the prefab instances when a Camera or a Hotspot is added
- Fixed typo in the hotspots window
- Fixed a softlock that could occur if using the "Move Product" when no environment is present
- Switching profiles very quickly will no longer throw an exception and put the scene in a broken state
- Fixed the issue where the Environment tab was not updated when switching profiles
API Breaking changes
This release breaks some lesser-used APIs and many of the Hotspot APIs which have been heavily changed related to the UI work done on this feature.
(CameraFollowObject -> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.CameraFollowObject)
Type removed
(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.Hotspot -> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.Hotspot)
(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotGroup -> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotGroup)
(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotView -> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotView)
UnityEngine.GameObject CameraFollowObject::follow()
System.Void CameraFollowObject::Set_BoundingBoxCenter(System.Boolean)
System.Void UnityEditor.Industrial.Configuring.UI.RuntimeServices::UpdateFormaToLatest()
System.Collections.Generic.List1<UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingElement> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.RuntimeStagingSettings::animations()
System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.Hotspot::AddView(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.IHotspotView)
System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.Hotspot::RemoveView(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.IHotspotView)
UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewHandler UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotView::clicked
System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotView::Activate(System.Boolean)
System.Boolean UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotView::IsLayerRendered(System.Int32)
UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.ConfiguratorRuntime.SwitchStagingElementStartedHandler UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.ConfiguratorRuntime.StagingManager::switchAnimationStarted
UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.ConfiguratorRuntime.SwitchStagingElementFinishedHandler UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.ConfiguratorRuntime.StagingManager::switchAnimationFinished
System.Boolean UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.ConfiguratorRuntime.StagingManager::SelectAnimation(System.String)
System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.ConfiguratorRuntime.StagingManager::SelectAnimation(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingElement)
System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList1<UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingElement> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.ConfiguratorRuntime.StagingManager::GetAnimations()
System.String UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.FormaCatalogLoader::CatalogPath()
T UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.QueryNode1::m_OriginalResult
System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.QueryNode1::BackupOriginal()
System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.MaterialQueryNode::BackupOriginal()
(System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.LoadSceneCommand::OnFinishedReloading() -> System.Collections.IEnumerator UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.LoadSceneCommand::OnFinishedReloading())
(System.Collections.Generic.List1<UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingElement> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingSettings::animations() -> System.Collections.Generic.List1<UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Animations.FormaAnimation> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingSettings::animations())
(System.Collections.Generic.List1<UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingElement> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingSettings::animations() -> System.Collections.Generic.List1<UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Animations.FormaAnimation> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingSettings::animations())
(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingType UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingType::Animation -> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingType UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingType::Animation)
(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingType UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingType::None -> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingType UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Staging.StagingType::None)
(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.FeatureSetDisplayInfo UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.ProductRuntimeUIData::CreateFeatureSetDisplayInformation(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.FeatureSet) -> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.FeatureSetDisplayInfo UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.ProductRuntimeUIData::CreateFeatureSetDisplayInformation(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.FeatureSet,UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.DisplayInfoContent))
(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.FeatureDisplayInfo UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.ProductRuntimeUIData::CreateFeatureDisplayInformation(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.Feature) -> UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.FeatureDisplayInfo UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.ProductRuntimeUIData::CreateFeatureDisplayInformation(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.Feature,UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Providers.DisplayInfoContent))
(System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewHandler::Invoke(System.Object,UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewEventArgs) -> System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewHandler::Invoke(System.Object))
(System.IAsyncResult UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewHandler::BeginInvoke(System.Object,UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewEventArgs,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object) -> System.IAsyncResult UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewHandler::BeginInvoke(System.Object,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object))
(System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.FormaCatalogLoader::.ctor(System.String) -> System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.FormaCatalogLoader::.ctor())
(System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.QueryNode::ResetOverride() -> System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.QueryNode::ResetOverride(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.QueryContext))
(System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.QueryNode1::ResetOverride() -> System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.QueryNode1::ResetOverride(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.QueryContext))
(System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.MaterialQueryNode::ResetOverride() -> System.Void UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.MaterialQueryNode::ResetOverride(UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Core.QueryContext))
(System.IAsyncResult UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewHandler::BeginInvoke(System.Object,UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewEventArgs,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object) -> System.IAsyncResult UnityEngine.Industrial.Configuring.Hotspots.HotspotViewHandler::BeginInvoke(System.Object,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object))
[1.0.3] - 2021-02-24
- Added the VariantSet Duplication feature
- Added the Environment shortcuts (rename, delete)
- Added the product outline search
- Fixed tests to be able to run within the new readonly package environment of upm cl
- Added the camera multiple selections
- Added the orbit camera axis angle capture buttons
- Added missing api documentation
- Added a test that check protected names for source control
- Added the orbit camera axis angle capture buttons
- Creating a material with an imported texture
- Improve Configuration switching and apply only difference
- Added a new menu item to refresh the material picker window
- Added a new contextual menu on Material in Material Picker to select object in Project window available only in Pro Mode
- Refactored StagingManager to use async/await instead of coroutines
- Fixed hotspot canvas wrongly added on every domain reload
- Fixed add new camera was not positioned properly
- Updated the environment item card style
- Material Picker now lists all "t: Material" found. No longer filters on *.mat filename
- Material Picker search now supports multiple words separated by space
- Rules filter will be hidden if none of the rules have tags
- Rules are now deleted by opening a right click menu and hitting 'Remove'
- Temporarily disable the WebGL export setting + unsupported HDRP platforms (if present).
- Improved camera creation performance by asset editing block
- Improved the speed of reordering and removing features from the variant table
- Lights will be automatically removed from the configurator scene when the configurator is created
- Product Outline drag and drop and apply to variant table workflow changed
- Reduced unity-mwu-white.png texture size
- Renamed few protected folders for source control
- Changed the cinemachine POV as Aim on Freelook and Walk
- Fixed a bug where there were many Switcher object under Configurator going into Play Mode
- Fixed a bug where "remove all" assignments could lead to exception
- Fixed a bug where Material Picker does not cancel previous preview when changing search
- Fixed bug where Filter invalid material variants is not working
- Fixed null exception when no Configurator's InfoEngine is none
- Fixed enable first camera going into play mode
- Fixed creating the canvas by default when adding Hotspot
- Fixed null reference switching Forma mode when Scene windows closed
- Fixed the fail of scene view sync at FOV change
- Fixed exception when dragging material on variants while in play mode
- Fixed bug where the configurator window would not refresh after changing the variant selection on the runtime UI
- Fixed the fail of scene view sync at FOV change
- Fixed the camera card name overflow
- Fixed the overexposured camera thubmanil in exposure automatic mode
- Fixed auto populate behavior on creation of first configurator profile
- Fixed the bug where adding a gameobject with multiple materials from the product outline would add it multiple times to the variant
- Fixed Null reference when adding configurator manually
- Fixed bug where the configurator would load a disabled scene when first entering play mode
- Fixed bug where selected profile would always switch to active profile when an action requiring a refresh was performed
- Fixed local price engine to return a default price for the feature if no price is defined in the data.
- Fixed the fail of scene view sync at FOV change
- Fixed Adding a product through the configurator window will add to the active profile instead of the selected one
- Fixed the hard Freelook rotate interaction in low fps
- Fixed the Create Runtime UI option in the Configurator Settings
- Fixed the fail of scene view sync at Camera param (Camera distance, and etc) changes in 2020.2.1f1
- Fixed "Apply Materials" does not refresh the Product if it is currently opened
- Fixed Disabled Renderers now participate in Material VariantSet Creation
- Fixed environment files location to be similar to product files
- Fixed bug when importing a product through drag and dropping on the profiles window when a configurator hasn't been created yet
- Fixed an exception caused by deleting a game object that had the configurator script manually added
- Fixed light mode visibility issues with the rules engine
- Fixed missing context icon in the rules engine
- Fixed the refresh camera thumbnails
- Fixed the camera appearance setup switching right after creation
- Fixed the Camera control while manipulating UI panel in playmode
- Fixed the variant table focus lost bug at arrow shortcuts
- Fixed de-registering of scene view drag and drop handler
- Fixed issue where we don't display custom runtime UI types in the inspector
- Fixed an issue where the textboxes in the Rules UI wouldn't expand to fit contents
- Fixed the camera appearance setup 'all'
- Fixed missing Packs from PackSet List in Configurator UI when searching for a variant by code
- Fixed deleting a variant which is referenced by a rule causes errors
- Fixed camera and environment shortcuts on Mac
- Fixed clearing rules keeping the current rule detail
- Fixed rule inspector data in cases where there is an exception
- Fixed eventual null exception on current product reference
[1.0.2] - 2020-12-17
- Added a menu item to report a bug in Forma interface
- Addding, replacing and removing meshes from material variants supported in undo operations
- Added the
Prefab Product Source
script to integrate products directly into the final build
- Fixed the bug where featureset.selectfeature didn't raise a deselection event for the previously selected feature
- Fixed the fetching of queries when going into playmode
- Fixed a runtime bug of incorrect current camera at environment change
- Fixed a bug where the default product logo would not show in the runtime UI
- Fixed the camera interaction (Freelook rotation, Orbit zoom) in mobile devices
- Fixed the missing scripts on
prefabs - Fixed the bug of disappearing the runtime staging panel
- Fixed the bug of camera activation at product change in runtime
- Fixed going into playmode remove the queries root. Now after exit playmode, we restore the queries root after the product has been enabled
- Fixed editing the FocusTextField control and improve it
- Fixed the camera naming conflict in collaborating project updating the naming convention
- Fixed going into playmode remove the queries root. Now after exit playmode, we restore the queries root after the product has been enabled
- Fixed building a configurator for a scene that has never been saved before
[1.0.1] - 2020-12-09
- Fixed public APIs
- Fixed Documentation links
- Fixed a bug where an exception is thrown in play mode with Sample Project
[1.0.0] - 2020-12-08
- Fixed the Camera Glitch while switching cameras with interaction
- Fixed a bug when deleting a PackSet
- Fixed NullReferenceException on MaterialPreviewCache when in RuntimeMode
- Fixed a bug where GameObjects with the same name in a different level in the hierarchy would be assigned in material variant queries
- Select the active configurator Profile after a scene reload
- Fixed Unserialized Data yet lost in StaticListGameObjectQueryNode
- Fixed NullReferenceException that occurs in switcher when a FeatureSet contains a Feature null
- Rebuild the final scene list before building addressable content
- Disabled scenes that are marked as addressable in the final scene list
- Fixed losing a camera data while converting a product type
- Fixed the orbit camera rotation fail
- Fixed the wrong camera position update at exit play mode
- Fixed the reseting current camera at Current Environment Selection in editor
- Fixed missing group error that pop when we go in play mode
- Fixed the invalid camera creation at ProfileWindow
- Enabled the HDRP / URP Cinemachine Volume Profile creation in Forma
- Fixed broken RuntimeUI context options when loading products
- Fixed assignment queries loading
- Added null checks in AddressableEditorUtility
- Fixed Product dropdown in Run mode
- Fixed Product loading to manage correctly Deferred Queries in every scenario
[0.0.22-preview.3] - 2020-12-02
- Automatically remove empty scenes that prevent us from building
- Fixed camera tab where clicking anywhere on panel would select a camera
- Fixed camera positions were lost after update
- Fixed duplicate camera that would not duplicate all the values
- Visual feedback about features' and features sets' state
- Creating a configurator through code will now add one environment from each environment definition
- Rebuild the scene list on export
- Removed the build and launch button from the UI
- Changed various UI labels to match documentation and UX requirements
- Added version update menu item in Forma mode
[0.0.22-preview.2] - 2020-11-30
- Fixed up Forma Editor UI
- Fixed selection process of MaterialPicker
- Fixed a bug where the Product cannot be removed in Aviera Sample Project
- The color of the preview icon is now lighter in dark mode
- Fixed the preview variant (eye) disappears when selecting a variant
- Aa Fixed Android / WebGL build error with FormaLogger
- Fixed a drag and drop in UI
- Added warning log for the HDRP/URP render pipelines when Quality Level are not in the correct order
- Fixed a wrong camera rename behavior
- Fixed a Staging dropdown height in Runtime UI
- Upgraded Addressable Assets package to 1.16.13
- Override Material Queries feature
- Added version update menu item in Forma mode
- Automatically remove empty scenes that prevent us from building
- Rebuild the scene list on export
- Removed dependency on vectorgraphics package
- SVG support removed. Existing svgs have been replaced with pngs.
- Removed Addressable Assets editor checkbox script -> will use the one from
- Add support for Product(s) in Read-Only Packages
[0.0.22-preview.1] - 2020-11-25
- Added support for read-only forma environment packages
- Disabled picking on opened scene in Forma mode
- Added support to add environments from scenes in the profile settings window
- Added basic camera animation
- Changed commands to provide a context
- Changed how DiplayInfo is stored by InfoEngine by replacing StringDisplayInfo with FeatureSetDisplayInfo
- Visibility variants will now always show an assigned part if it is contained in the selected visibility variant
- Fixed missing UI in Forma windows (for example, when going into Forma mode)
- Fixed a bug where the camera detail panel shows 'Select a camera' at unselection
- Fixed a bug where the lost camera position at switching between cameras in runtime
- Fixed a bug where added variant lost info details going into play mode
- Fixed a user can remove the "Set as default" on a variant
- Fixed typo on the "Switch Platform" button in export tab
- Fixed configuration not being saved when setting a variant as default
- Fixed "Set as default" the first variant when creating a new Variant Set
- Fixed warnings when loading Forma the first time
[0.0.21-preview.1] - 2020-11-20
- Runtime UI staging area is shown when there's choices
- Added null check for runtime UI search panel which breaks the features UI if not found
- Removing the ability to add a default to packs as it led to many conflicts
- Fixed a bug where Warning logging could generate a null exception
- Fixed multi popup menu always displaying "Please Select"
- Fixed a bug where the product thumbnail wouldn't show in runtime UI
- Upgraded package to Unity 2020.2
- Fixed a bug where an exception was thrown with unsaved variant
[0.0.20-preview.1] - 2020-11-16
- Profiles management interface
- Catalog source for configurator
- Added serialization of new display information in RuntimeUIDataEngine
- Added an option to fade out the hotspots after a certain amount of time
- Added FormaLogger for Release build logging
- Material Profile mecanism and user interface
- Fixed a bug where the hotspot groups were not visible in the inspector
- Fixed a bug where the staging were invisible at the start
- Fixed a bug where the setup panel would show if 1 or less products are available
- Fixed a bug where renaming a variant and losing focus by switching to another application would break focus state
- Fixed a bug where searching in the runtime UI with a big input value would make the input lose focus and won't be able to get it again
- Fixed a bug where the thumbnails of selected variant and of available variants wouldn't show in runtime UI
- Fixed a bug when expanding a feature set in runtime UI would hide the icon
- Fixed a bug where the thumbnail editor window would clip buttons
[0.0.19-preview.1] - 2020-11-06
- Added setting preview on current variant by using 'space' hotkey in editor
- Added an option in the materials panel to select all parts with this material
- Added renaming variantset/variants by using shortcut F2 key
- Added support for rename of variant using F2 key
- Added setting preview on current variant by using 'space' hotkey in editor
- Changed "label" to "code" in API for variant set and pack set
- Changed code of camera to manage HDRP and URP pipeline installed at the same time
- Fixed set parent when timeline plays and update camera enum
- Fixed product preview swapping to none to avoid modelSet on root
- Updated code of camera to manage HDRP and URP pipeline installed at the same time
- Fixed features not available in runtime
- Fixed duplicated materials from selection in product outline
- Fixed Configurator Analytics on cameras
- Fixed issue where the wrong stage name was shown when loading a new stage
- Fixed potential null exception when no stage is loaded/available
[0.0.18-preview.2] - 2020-10-13
- Fix null exception when FeatureSet/Feature/Assignment configured as "None" by user in Inspector.
- Added anti-aliasing control to force it on both scene and game camera
- Added Multi-profiles base support. Through the inspector window on the product object, the user is able to create new profile of the same product
- Fixed issue with double seperators in custom variants
- Improved product outline selection speed
- Added a rule engine user interface
- Select the current environment in the Runtime UI dropdown when entering playmode
- Added setting preview on current variant by using 'space' hotkey in editor
- Added serialization of new display information in RuntimeUIDataEngine
- Added support for rename of variant using F2 key
- Added setting preview on current variant by using 'space' hotkey in editor - Fixed features not available in runtime
[0.0.17-preview.5] - 2020-10-05
- Fixed separator on gear save product
- Fixed switching speed in editor mode for models with many materials
- Improved tab switching speed on large variant table
[0.0.17-preview.4] - 2020-09-24
- Allow other packages to inject a top level prefab into a configurator runtime
[0.0.17-preview.3] - 2020-09-09
- Exposed some functions for layer stack output
[0.0.17-preview.2] - 2020-08-20
- Added event command sets
[0.0.16-preview.2] - 2020-08-05
- Added pack authoring
[0.0.15-preview.3] - 2020-07-23
- Fixes to external interface
[0.0.15-preview.2] - 2020-07-20
- Fixes to external interface
[0.0.15-preview.1] - 2020-07-14
- Fixes publishing
[0.0.14-preview.13] - 2020-06-11
- UI Reskin
[0.0.14-preview.12] - 2020-06-10
- Added environment preview component to fix environment preview issues
[0.0.14-preview.11] - 2020-06-01
- Added simple material authoring in Material Variant UI
[0.0.14-preview.10] - 2020-05-26
- Fixed camera not selected after Create a new one
- Fixed the GameObject icon in dark mode that was too 'light'
[0.0.14-preview.9] - 2020-05-25
- Allowed derived packages to add new Simple Mode tabs
- Rendered all Simple Mode .svg files to .png
[0.0.14-preview.8] - 2020-05-20
- Added message on empty list of variants and packs from search criteria
- Fixed warnings when deleting a variant set
[0.0.14-preview.7] - 2020-05-15
- Fixed Animations list UI not displaying +/-
[0.0.14-preview.6] - 2020-05-14
- Fixed right-click "Select Object" failing on material assignments
[0.0.14-preview.5] - 2020-05-05
- Changed API visibility
[0.0.14-preview.4] - 2020-05-01
- Added documentation link from package manager UI
[0.0.14-preview.3] - 2020-04-29
- Adds ability to set camera transform in state conductor
[0.0.14-preview.2] - 2020-04-29
- Fixed saving after domain reload
[0.0.14-preview.1] - 2020-04-28
- Improved save time
- Improved iteration speed when going in and out of play mode
- Added undo and redo for variant and variant sets
[0.0.13-preview.1] - 2020-04-28
- Add double click actions on variants, packs and product outline
[0.0.12-preview.1] - 2020-04-22
- Updated pixyz package compatibility to 2020.1.0.22
[0.0.11-preview.1] - 2020-04-21
- Added an internal Context button to Catalog UI
- Added PackSet and Pack list to Catalog UI (no editing)
- Fixed scrolling with mouse wheel in runtime UI
[0.0.10-preview.1] - 2020-04-03
- Fixed runtime UI initial selected feature label
[0.0.9-preview.1] - 2020-04-03
- Added variant table filtering
- Added variant table search
- Added example image server
- Fixed multiple small issues
- Added
- Added New Visibility Variants will default to
- Added Utility to convert
's toVisibilityAssignment
's - Added UI improvements for adding new Variants and VariantSets
- Disabled redundant call to refresh
[0.0.8-preview.1] - 2020-01-31
- Upgraded support to 2020.1a21
- Fixed many various issues
[0.0.7-preview.1] - 2020-01-20
- Adds support for PiXYZ 2019.2 package
- Setup textmeshpro automatically if missing when creating a configurator
- Fixed visibility variant with the same object in multiple variants
- Fixed many small issues
- Update for 2020.1a19 compatibility
[0.0.6-preview.1] - 2020-01-20
- Last 2020.1a14 release
[0.0.5-preview.1] - 2019-12-10
- Added new variant set editor
- Added product outline
[0.0.4-preview.1] - 2019-12-08
- Added staging panel
[0.0.3-preview.1] - 2019-11-22
- Update for 2020.1a14 compatibility
[0.0.2-preview.1] - 2019-11-17
- First version of the configurator settings window
[0.0.1-preview.1] - 2019-07-17
This is the first release of Industrial Sales Configurator.
- Sales Configurator