Game Foundation Tutorials
Creating a Virtual Transaction
We know how to create an Inventory Item Definition.
We know how to create a Currency.
We've learned how to create and destroy item instances and how to play with the wallet manager.
You have the basics to start your game economy.
You'll probably have to build a process spending currencies to buy items, or crafting a better item by merging a list of ingredients.
What if Game Foundation provided this feature out-of-the-box?
A Virtual Transaction is a catalog Item describing a recipe: a list of ingredients as costs
, and a list of outputs as rewards
To create a Virtual Transaction, you need to open the Transaction Window by selecting Window → Game Foundation → Transaction.
The window shows two tabs:
- The Virtual Transaction tab: the one we'll play with in this tutorial
- The IAP Transaction tab: covered by [the IAP tutorial].
The virtual transaction editor
The creation process is similar to the other catalog items we've already seen in the previous tutorials.
Make a new Virtual Transaction and call it "My Virtual Transaction"
The virtual transaction editor shows two specific, similar-looking sections: Costs and Rewards.
They both provide the ability to create a list of currencies, and a list of item definitions.
Costs are the recipe ([items] and currencies consumed during the transaction), and Rewards are the output ([items] and currencies generated by the transaction).
The +
button on each part is a first step to add entries to those lists.
Configuring the virtual transaction
Let's define our transaction as a typical exchange "currency for item". We want to:
- get
instances of our existing item definition - in exchange for
of our currency.
In the Costs section, under the currency sub-section, click on the +
You'll see the list of the existing currencies defined in the Currency Window.
Choose "My First Currency"
and set the quantity to 10
In the Rewards section, under the item sub-section, click on the +
You'll see the list of the existing item definitions defined in the Inventory Window.
Choose "My First Item"
and set the quantity to 3
Your virtual transaction is now properly configured. In the next tutorial, we'll see how to initiate a purchase, using this transaction.