[0.3.0-preview.5] - 2020-02-19
- Data Access Layer
- Transaction System
- Transaction System Sample Scene
- Purchasable Detail
- GameFoundation's Initialization changed to take an IDataAccessLayer as an argument instead of a persistence object.
- GameFoundationSettings ScriptableObject is now split into GameFoundationDatabaseSettings, which holds the reference to the database for the editor, and GameFoundationSettings, which continues to hold the other settings, like analytics flags.
- CatalogManager now holds the reference to the catalogs at Runtime. Any runtime code that was previously written as GameFoundationSettings.database.xCatalog should now be written as CatalogManager.xCatalog.
- Persistence and Serializer interfaces changed to handle only GameFoundation's data.
[0.2.0-preview.3] - 2019-12-11
- Samples
- Debug window for visualizing data during Play Mode in the Editor
- Three new detail definition types:
- Sprite Assets Detail
- Prefab Assets Detail
- Audio Clip Assets Detail
- Tools for creating custom detail definitions
- Ability to choose a Reference Definition while creating a new Inventory Item (which also pre-populates the Display Name and ID fields)
- Menu items that link to the documentation and the forums
- Improved Stat Detail UI
- Icon Detail is now marked as obsolete and will be removed in a future version (please use Sprite Assets Detail instead)
- Currency Detail Type is now broken into Type and Sub-Type (with related UI change)
- Minor API performance optimizations
- Minor editor UI/UX improvements and optimizations
[0.1.0-preview.6] - 2019-09-18
- Analytics system
- Support for serialization of runtime stats data
- "Auto-Create Instance" feature for the Inventory system
- Improvements to local runtime persistence system
- Some classes and members have been renamed
- Details renamed to Detail
- ScriptableObject database format changed to one file instead of multiple
[0.1.0-preview.5] - 2019-08-23
- Core Stats System
- Local persistence implementation updated
- Internal renaming
[0.1.0-preview.4] - 2019-08-09
First external release
- Inventory System
- Player Wallet
This is the initial release of Unity Package <>.
- Inventory System
- Player Wallet
- Stats System Core