Developer’s Guide
As a developer, you have access to the FBX Exporter from C# scripting. You can use the basic API by providing a single GameObject or a list of GameObjects.
Managing export settings
To use custom export settings, you can create and pass an instance of ExportModelOptions
class with modified settings.
If you don't pass any export settings, Unity uses default export settings to export the GameObjects to the FBX file.
Calling the FBX Exporter
You can call the FBX Exporter from C# using methods found in the UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter namespace, for example:
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter;
public static void ExportGameObjects(Object[] objects)
string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "MyGame.fbx");
ExportModelOptions exportSettings = new ExportModelOptions();
exportSettings.ExportFormat = ExportFormat.Binary;
exportSettings.KeepInstances = false;
// Note: If you don't pass any export settings, Unity uses the default settings.
ModelExporter.ExportObjects(filePath, objects, exportSettings);
// You can use ModelExporter.ExportObject instead of
// ModelExporter.ExportObjects to export a single GameObject.
Creating an FBX Prefab Variant
You can convert a GameObject hierarchy to an FBX Prefab Variant using the API.
The principle is to export the GameObject hierarchy to an FBX and then convert the exported FBX Model Prefab into a Prefab Variant while maintaining the components from the original hierarchy.
For example:
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter;
public static GameObject ConvertGameObject(GameObject go)
string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "MyObject.fbx");
string prefabPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "MyObject.prefab");
// Settings to use when exporting the FBX to convert to a prefab.
// Note: If you don't pass any export settings, Unity uses the default settings.
ConvertToPrefabVariantOptions convertSettings = new ConvertToPrefabVariantOptions();
convertSettings.ExportFormat = ExportFormat.Binary;
// Returns the prefab variant linked to an FBX file.
return ConvertToNestedPrefab.ConvertToPrefabVariant(go, fbxFullPath: filePath, prefabFullPath: prefabPath, convertOptions: convertSettings);
The FBX SDK bindings can be executed during gameplay allowing import and export at runtime. Currently a custom importer/exporter needs to be written in order to do so, as the FBX Exporter is Editor only.
NOTE: The FBX SDK bindings are Editor only by default and will not be included in a build. In order for the package to be included in the build, add the FBXSDK_RUNTIME define to Edit > Project Settings... > Player > Other Settings > Scripting Define Symbols.
Basic Exporter:
using Autodesk.Fbx;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
protected void ExportScene (string fileName)
using(FbxManager fbxManager = FbxManager.Create ()){
// configure IO settings.
fbxManager.SetIOSettings (FbxIOSettings.Create (fbxManager, Globals.IOSROOT));
// Export the scene
using (FbxExporter exporter = FbxExporter.Create (fbxManager, "myExporter")) {
// Initialize the exporter.
bool status = exporter.Initialize (fileName, -1, fbxManager.GetIOSettings ());
// Create a new scene to export
FbxScene scene = FbxScene.Create (fbxManager, "myScene");
// Export the scene to the file.
exporter.Export (scene);
Basic Importer:
using Autodesk.Fbx;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
protected void ImportScene (string fileName)
using(FbxManager fbxManager = FbxManager.Create ()){
// configure IO settings.
fbxManager.SetIOSettings (FbxIOSettings.Create (fbxManager, Globals.IOSROOT));
// Import the scene to make sure file is valid
using (FbxImporter importer = FbxImporter.Create (fbxManager, "myImporter")) {
// Initialize the importer.
bool status = importer.Initialize (fileName, -1, fbxManager.GetIOSettings ());
// Create a new scene so it can be populated by the imported file.
FbxScene scene = FbxScene.Create (fbxManager, "myScene");
// Import the contents of the file into the scene.
importer.Import (scene);
- Only 64 bit Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu standalone player builds are supported