Developer’s Guide
As a developer you have access to the FBX Exporter from C# scripting. You can use the basic API by providing a single GameObject or a list of GameObjects. Note that default export settings are used for exporting the GameObjects to the FBX file.
You can call the FBX Exporter from C# using methods found in the UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter namespace, for example:
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter;
public static void ExportGameObjects(Object[] objects)
string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "MyGame.fbx");
ModelExporter.ExportObjects(filePath, objects);
// ModelExporter.ExportObject can be used instead of
// ModelExporter.ExportObjects to export a single game object
The FBX SDK bindings can be executed during gameplay allowing import and export at runtime. Currently a custom importer/exporter needs to be written in order to do so, as the FBX Exporter is Editor only.
NOTE: The FBX SDK bindings are Editor only by default and will not be included in a build. In order for the package to be included in the build, add the FBXSDK_RUNTIME define to Edit > Project Settings... > Player > Other Settings > Scripting Define Symbols.
Basic Exporter:
using Autodesk.Fbx;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
protected void ExportScene (string fileName)
using(FbxManager fbxManager = FbxManager.Create ()){
// configure IO settings.
fbxManager.SetIOSettings (FbxIOSettings.Create (fbxManager, Globals.IOSROOT));
// Export the scene
using (FbxExporter exporter = FbxExporter.Create (fbxManager, "myExporter")) {
// Initialize the exporter.
bool status = exporter.Initialize (fileName, -1, fbxManager.GetIOSettings ());
// Create a new scene to export
FbxScene scene = FbxScene.Create (fbxManager, "myScene");
// Export the scene to the file.
exporter.Export (scene);
Basic Importer:
using Autodesk.Fbx;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
protected void ImportScene (string fileName)
using(FbxManager fbxManager = FbxManager.Create ()){
// configure IO settings.
fbxManager.SetIOSettings (FbxIOSettings.Create (fbxManager, Globals.IOSROOT));
// Import the scene to make sure file is valid
using (FbxImporter importer = FbxImporter.Create (fbxManager, "myImporter")) {
// Initialize the importer.
bool status = importer.Initialize (fileName, -1, fbxManager.GetIOSettings ());
// Create a new scene so it can be populated by the imported file.
FbxScene scene = FbxScene.Create (fbxManager, "myScene");
// Import the contents of the file into the scene.
importer.Import (scene);
- Only 64 bit Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu standalone player builds are supported