Entity Inspector reference
When you select an entity, the Inspector displays its information in different ways depending on whether you're in Authoring, Runtime, or Mixed data mode.
Authoring data mode
In Authoring data mode, represented by a white or gray
circle, the Inspector window displays information about the selected GameObject, which you can then use to edit and change the properties of the GameObject. If you select an entity in the Entity Hierarchy window, the Inspector window displays information about the entity's corresponding authoring GameObject.
Runtime data mode
In Runtime data mode, represented by an orange or red
circle, the Inspector window displays data about the selected entity in three tabs:
- Components: Displays all the components on an entity, similar to displaying the MonoBehaviours on a GameObject.
- Aspects: Displays information about the aspects associated with the selected entity.
- Relationships: Displays all the systems that interact with the selected entity. This tab displays information only if the entity has one or more components that satisfy a system query.
Components and Aspects tab
The fields in the Components and Aspects tab have two states:
- In Edit mode, they're read-only.
- In Play mode, you can edit them for debugging purposes. When you exit Play mode, the GameObject conversion process overrides any changes you made, indicated by the orange or red vertical bars next to the fields.
Entity Inspector in Edit mode (Left), and Play mode (Right). Note the orange vertical bars in Play mode that indicate Unity destroys the data when you exit Play mode.
Relationships tab
The Relationships tab displays the System queries that match the selected Entity. This view also displays the System’s access rights to the Components (Read or Read & Write).
Click on the icon to the right of a System or Component name (), to change the selection to that System or Component. Unity also opens the respective System Inspector or Component Inspector where possible.
To see a list of all the Entities that match a query, click on the icon () next to a query. Unity opens the Query window.
Entity Inspector Relationship tab
Mixed data mode
Mixed data mode is available only in Play mode and is represented by a white and orange or gray and red
circle. In this mode, properties that have an orange vertical bar have their values overwritten by the corresponding value on the entity. These indicators mean that if you edit these fields, they change the data on the corresponding entity. However, Unity doesn't keep this data when you exit Play mode. Editing any fields that don't have an orange vertical bar edits the authoring value on the GameObject, and Unity retains this data when you exit Play mode.
Entity Inspector in Mixed data mode