Method SetComponentEnabled
SetComponentEnabled(Entity, bool)
Obsolete. Use Set
[Obsolete("Use SetBufferEnabled (RemovedAfter: Entities pre-1.0) (UnityUpgradeable) -> SetBufferEnabled(*)")]
public void SetComponentEnabled(Entity entity, bool value)
Type | Name | Description |
Entity | entity | The entity whose component should be enabled or disabled. |
bool | value | True if the specified component should be enabled, or false if it should be disabled. |
Obsolete. Use Set
Enable or disable the <xref href="Unity.Entities.IBufferElementData" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> of type T on the specified <xref href="Unity.Entities.Entity" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>. This operation
does not cause a structural change (even if it occurs on a worker thread), or affect the value of the component.
For the purposes of EntityQuery matching, an entity with a disabled component will behave as if it does not
have that component. The type T must implement the <xref href="Unity.Entities.IEnableableComponent" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> interface.
Type | Condition |
Argument |
The Entity does not exist. |