Method TryAdd
TryAdd<T>(ref BlobAssetReference<T>)
Add a BlobAssetReference with the default hash key based on the BlobAsset contents itself. If the contents of the generated blob asset is the same as a previously inserted blob asset, then the passed blobAsset will be disposed and the reference to the blob asset will be replaced with the previously added blob asset
public bool TryAdd<T>(ref BlobAssetReference<T> blobAsset) where T : unmanaged
Type | Name | Description |
Blob |
blobAsset | The blob asset that will be inserted or replaced |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if the blob asset was added, returns false if the blob asset was disposed and replaced with the previous blob. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | The type of BlobAsset. |
TryAdd<T>(Hash128, ref BlobAssetReference<T>)
Add a BlobAssetReference with a custom hash key
public bool TryAdd<T>(Hash128 customHash, ref BlobAssetReference<T> blobAsset) where T : unmanaged
Type | Name | Description |
Hash128 | customHash | The key to be associated with the BlobAssetReference |
Blob |
blobAsset | The BlobAssetReference if found or default |
Type | Description |
bool | true if the BlobAssetReference was found, false if not found |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | The type of BlobAsset |
TryAdd<T>(ref BlobAssetReference<T>, out Hash128)
Add a BlobAssetReference with the default hash key based on the BlobAsset contents itself. If the contents of the generated blob asset is the same as a previously inserted blob asset, then the passed blobAsset will be disposed and the reference to the blob asset will be replaced with the previously added blob asset
public bool TryAdd<T>(ref BlobAssetReference<T> blobAsset, out Hash128 objectHash) where T : unmanaged
Type | Name | Description |
Blob |
blobAsset | The blob asset that will be inserted or replaced |
Hash128 | objectHash | The hash that is based on the content of the BlobAsset |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if the blob asset was added, returns false if the blob asset was disposed and replaced with the previous blob. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | The type of BlobAsset. |