Entities overview
The Entities package adds functionality to your Unity project that lets you use Unity's Entity Component System (ECS). The ECS system organizes your project in a data-oriented way, as opposed to the traditional object-oriented way.
Entity Component System
ECS is the core of the Unity Data-Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS). As the name indicates, ECS has three principal parts:
- Entities: The entities, or things, that populate your application. An Entity has neither behavior nor data; instead, it identifies which pieces of data belong together.
- Components: The data associated with Entities, but organized by the data itself rather than by Entity. This difference in organization is one of the key differences between an object-oriented and a data-oriented design.
- Systems: The logic that transforms the component data from its current state to its next state. For example, a system might use an Entity's velocity multiplied by the time interval since the previous frame to update the positions of all moving Entities.