Enum SceneLoadFlags
Namespace: Unity.Entities
public enum SceneLoadFlags : int
Name | Description | Value |
BlockOnImport | Wait for the SubScene to be fully converted (only relevant for Editor and LiveLink) |
BlockOnStreamIn | Disable asynchronous streaming, SubScene section will be fully loaded during the next update of the streaming system |
DisableAutoLoad | Prevents adding a RequestSceneLoaded to the SubScene section entities when it gets created. If loading a GameObject scene, setting this flag is equivalent to setting activateOnlLoad to false. |
LoadAdditive | [DEPRECATED] Set whether to load additive or not. This only applies to GameObject based scenes, not subscenes. |
LoadAsGOScene | Temporary flag to indicate that the scene is a GameObject based scene. Once addressables are in place, this information will be stored there. |
NewInstance | Loads a new instance of the subscene |