Actions are the primary UI elements for triggering actions in your application. App UI provides several pre-built components for these types of interactions, each with its own set of features and use cases.
Handling events from Action components
An Action component can be triggered from multiple sources, such as a mouse click, a keyboard shortcut, or even a voice command.
In order to handle the trigger of the Action as a single event, we use a special manipulator called Pressable
This manipulator can be usually accessed on these components via a clickable
This example shows how to handle the trigger of a button from any source:
using Unity.AppUI.UI;
var button = new Button();
// Wrong way to handle the trigger of the button, as it can be triggered from multiple sources
button.RegisterCallback<ClickEvent>(evt => Debug.Log("Button clicked"));
// Correct way to handle the trigger of the button from any source
button.clickable.clicked += () => Debug.Log("Button clicked");
// You could also use the special constructor if available
var otherButton = new Button(() => Debug.Log("Button clicked"));
Available Components
The following components are following the App UI Design guidelines.
Here are some of the main Action components available in App UI. To determine all the available properties for each component, see the API Reference.
The Button component is used to trigger an action or event, such as submitting a form, opening a dialog, canceling an action, or performing a delete operation.
<appui:Button title="Button" />
The IconButton component is used to trigger an action or event, such as submitting a form, opening a dialog, canceling an action, or performing a delete operation. It is a variant of the Button component that uses an icon instead of text.
<appui:IconButton icon="add" />
The ActionButton component is a button that can have a "selected" state, and can be used as a toggle. It can have text, an icon, or both, and can be customized with different themes and styles.
<appui:ActionButton icon="add" label="Add" />
The ActionGroup component is a group of ActionButton components that can be used to toggle between different actions.
<appui:ActionButton icon="add" label="Add" />
<appui:ActionButton icon="remove" label="Remove" />
The ActionBar component is a bar that appears when one or more items from a container are selected, in order to apply some actions on them. It can contain ActionButton components or other types of UI components.
<appui:ActionButton icon="add" label="Add" />
<appui:ActionButton icon="remove" label="Remove" />