Device Simulator plugins
Device Simulator allows you to use plugins to extend its functionality and change the UI of the Control Panel in the Device Simulator view.
Creating a plugin
To create a Device simulator plugin extend the DeviceSimulatorPlugin class.
- Override the title property to return a non empty string
- Override the OnCreateUI method to return a VisualElement containing the UI.
If these conditions are not met, the pugin will be instantiated, but its UI will not be visible in the simulator window.
public class TouchInfoPlugin : DeviceSimulatorPlugin
public override string title => "Touch Info";
private Label m_TouchCountLabel;
private Label m_LastTouchEvent;
private Button m_ResetCountButton;
private int m_TouchCount = 0;
public override void OnCreate()
deviceSimulator.touchScreenInput += touchEvent =>
m_TouchCount += 1;
m_LastTouchEvent.text = $"Last touch event: {touchEvent.phase.ToString()}";
public override VisualElement OnCreateUI()
VisualElement root = new VisualElement();
m_LastTouchEvent = new Label("Last touch event: None");
m_TouchCountLabel = new Label();
m_ResetCountButton = new Button {text = "Reset Count" };
m_ResetCountButton.clicked += () =>
m_TouchCount = 0;
return root;
private void UpdateTouchCounterText()
if (m_TouchCount > 0)
m_TouchCountLabel.text = $"Touches recorded: {m_TouchCount}";
m_TouchCountLabel.text = "No taps recorded";