Adding Custom Devices
A directory where custom devices are placed can be specified in Preferences -> Device Simulator -> Device Directory
. Device directory can be outside of a Unity project.
Device files that are shipped together with Device Simulator can be found inside the package in Editor/.DeviceDefinitions
Device files must have a .device.json
Internally we use the following DeviceInfo
class to serialize and deserialize device files:
public class DeviceInfo
public string friendlyName; // [Required] Name that will be shown in UI.
public int version; // [Required] Device definition file version. Currently version is 1.
public ScreenData[] Screens; // [Required] Screen related data. Must Contain at least one screen. Support for multiple screens is not yet implemented.
public SystemInfoData SystemInfo; // [Required] Values returned by UnityEngine.SystemInfo. Contains a single required field: operatingSystem.
public class ScreenPresentation
public string overlayPath; // [Optional] Relative path from *.device.json file to an image that will be used as device overlay.
public Vector4 borderSize; // [Optional] Pixel distance from overlay image border to where the screen begins.
public class ScreenData
public int width; // [Required] Value returned by UnityEngine.Screen.width in portrait orientation.
public int height; // [Required] Value returned by UnityEngine.Screen.height in portrait orientation.
public int navigationBarHeight; // [Optional] Pixel height of the on-screen Android navigation bar, which appears on some devices in non-fullscreen mode.
public float dpi; // [Required] Value returned by UnityEngine.Screen.dpi.
public OrientationData[] orientations; // [Optional] Defines which orientations are supported on the device. If this field is missing, all orientations will be supported.
public ScreenPresentation presentation; // [Optional] Data for drawing an overlay with device borders, notches and other irregularities baked in.
public class OrientationData
public ScreenOrientation orientation; // [Required in OrientationData] Supported orientation
public Rect safeArea; // [Optional] Value returned by UnityEngine.Screen.safeArea in full resolution. Is this field is missing, assuming that entire screen is safe.
public Rect[] cutouts; // [Optional] Value returned by UnityEngine.Screen.cutouts in full resolution.
public class SystemInfoData // Fields map to UnityEngine.SystemInfo. All fields are optional except operatingSystem.
public string deviceModel;
public DeviceType deviceType;
public string operatingSystem; // [Required] Must contain either Android or iOS (case-insensitive) somewhere in the string.
public OperatingSystemFamily operatingSystemFamily;
public int processorCount;
public int processorFrequency;
public string processorType;
public bool supportsAccelerometer;
public bool supportsAudio;
public bool supportsGyroscope;
public bool supportsLocationService;
public bool supportsVibration;
public int systemMemorySize;
public string unsupportedIdentifier;
public GraphicsSystemInfoData[] graphicsDependentData; // [Optional] Defines which graphics APIs are supported on the device.
public class GraphicsSystemInfoData // Fields map to UnityEngine.SystemInfo.
public GraphicsDeviceType graphicsDeviceType; // [Required in GraphicsSystemInfoData] Supported graphics API.
public int graphicsMemorySize;
public string graphicsDeviceName;
public string graphicsDeviceVendor;
public int graphicsDeviceID;
public int graphicsDeviceVendorID;
public bool graphicsUVStartsAtTop;
public string graphicsDeviceVersion;
public int graphicsShaderLevel;
public bool graphicsMultiThreaded;
public RenderingThreadingMode renderingThreadingMode;
public bool hasHiddenSurfaceRemovalOnGPU;
public bool hasDynamicUniformArrayIndexingInFragmentShaders;
public bool supportsShadows;
public bool supportsRawShadowDepthSampling;
public bool supportsMotionVectors;
public bool supports3DTextures;
public bool supports2DArrayTextures;
public bool supports3DRenderTextures;
public bool supportsCubemapArrayTextures;
public CopyTextureSupport copyTextureSupport;
public bool supportsComputeShaders;
public bool supportsGeometryShaders;
public bool supportsTessellationShaders;
public bool supportsInstancing;
public bool supportsHardwareQuadTopology;
public bool supports32bitsIndexBuffer;
public bool supportsSparseTextures;
public int supportedRenderTargetCount;
public bool supportsSeparatedRenderTargetsBlend;
public int supportedRandomWriteTargetCount;
public int supportsMultisampledTextures;
public bool supportsMultisampleAutoResolve;
public int supportsTextureWrapMirrorOnce;
public bool usesReversedZBuffer;
public NPOTSupport npotSupport;
public int maxTextureSize;
public int maxCubemapSize;
public int maxComputeBufferInputsVertex;
public int maxComputeBufferInputsFragment;
public int maxComputeBufferInputsGeometry;
public int maxComputeBufferInputsDomain;
public int maxComputeBufferInputsHull;
public int maxComputeBufferInputsCompute;
public int maxComputeWorkGroupSize;
public int maxComputeWorkGroupSizeX;
public int maxComputeWorkGroupSizeY;
public int maxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ;
public bool supportsAsyncCompute;
public bool supportsGraphicsFence;
public bool supportsAsyncGPUReadback;
public bool supportsRayTracing;
public bool supportsSetConstantBuffer;
public bool minConstantBufferOffsetAlignment;
public bool hasMipMaxLevel;
public bool supportsMipStreaming;
public bool usesLoadStoreActions;
Minimal Device
Here is an example of a device definition containing only required fields. Because no orientation data is provided, we assume that all orientations are supported and that safe area covers the entire screen.
"friendlyName": "Minimal Device",
"version": 1,
"Screens": [
"width": 1080,
"height": 1920,
"dpi": 450.0
"SystemInfo": {
"operatingSystem": "Android"
Complete Device
Here is an example of a device definition with all available fields set. Note this is an abridged definition of an actual device.
"friendlyName": "Apple iPhone XR",
"version": 1,
"Screens": [
"width": 828,
"height": 1792,
"navigationBarHeight": 0,
"dpi": 326.0,
"orientations": [
"orientation": 1,
"safeArea": {
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 0.0,
"y": 68.0,
"width": 828.0,
"height": 1636.0
"cutouts": [
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 184.0,
"y": 1726.0,
"width": 460.0,
"height": 66.0
"orientation": 3,
"safeArea": {
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 88.0,
"y": 42.0,
"width": 1616.0,
"height": 786.0
"cutouts": [
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 0.0,
"y": 184.0,
"width": 66.0,
"height": 460.0
"orientation": 4,
"safeArea": {
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 88.0,
"y": 42.0,
"width": 1616.0,
"height": 786.0
"cutouts": [
"serializedVersion": "2",
"x": 1726.0,
"y": 184.0,
"width": 66.0,
"height": 460.0
"presentation": {
"overlayPath": "Apple iPhone 11_Overlay.png",
"borderSize": {
"x": 51.0,
"y": 51.0,
"z": 51.0,
"w": 51.0
"SystemInfo": {
"deviceModel": "iPhone11,8",
"deviceType": 1,
"operatingSystem": "iOS 12.0",
"operatingSystemFamily": 0,
"processorCount": 6,
"processorFrequency": 0,
"processorType": "arm64e",
"supportsAccelerometer": true,
"supportsAudio": true,
"supportsGyroscope": true,
"supportsLocationService": true,
"supportsVibration": true,
"systemMemorySize": 2813,
"unsupportedIdentifier": "n/a",
"graphicsDependentData": [
"graphicsDeviceType": 16,
"graphicsMemorySize": 1024,
"graphicsDeviceName": "Apple A12 GPU",
"graphicsDeviceVendor": "Apple",
"graphicsDeviceID": 0,
"graphicsDeviceVendorID": 0,
"graphicsUVStartsAtTop": true,
"graphicsDeviceVersion": "Metal",
"graphicsShaderLevel": 50,
"graphicsMultiThreaded": true,
"renderingThreadingMode": 0,
"hasHiddenSurfaceRemovalOnGPU": true,
"hasDynamicUniformArrayIndexingInFragmentShaders": true,
"supportsShadows": true,
"supportsRawShadowDepthSampling": true,
"supportsMotionVectors": true,
"supports3DTextures": true,
"supports2DArrayTextures": true,
"supports3DRenderTextures": true,
"supportsCubemapArrayTextures": true,
"copyTextureSupport": 31,
"supportsComputeShaders": true,
"supportsGeometryShaders": false,
"supportsTessellationShaders": true,
"supportsInstancing": true,
"supportsHardwareQuadTopology": false,
"supports32bitsIndexBuffer": true,
"supportsSparseTextures": false,
"supportedRenderTargetCount": 8,
"supportsSeparatedRenderTargetsBlend": true,
"supportedRandomWriteTargetCount": 8,
"supportsMultisampledTextures": 1,
"supportsMultisampleAutoResolve": false,
"supportsTextureWrapMirrorOnce": 0,
"usesReversedZBuffer": true,
"npotSupport": 2,
"maxTextureSize": 16384,
"maxCubemapSize": 16384,
"maxComputeBufferInputsVertex": 8,
"maxComputeBufferInputsFragment": 8,
"maxComputeBufferInputsGeometry": 0,
"maxComputeBufferInputsDomain": 8,
"maxComputeBufferInputsHull": 8,
"maxComputeBufferInputsCompute": 8,
"maxComputeWorkGroupSize": 1024,
"maxComputeWorkGroupSizeX": 1024,
"maxComputeWorkGroupSizeY": 1024,
"maxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ": 1024,
"supportsAsyncCompute": false,
"supportsGraphicsFence": true,
"supportsAsyncGPUReadback": true,
"supportsRayTracing": false,
"supportsSetConstantBuffer": true,
"minConstantBufferOffsetAlignment": false,
"hasMipMaxLevel": true,
"supportsMipStreaming": true,
"usesLoadStoreActions": true,
"supportedTextureFormats": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"supportedRenderTextureFormats": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"ldrGraphicsFormat": 59,
"hdrGraphicsFormat": 74