How To
The API provides the loading classes KtxTexture for KTX™ 2.0 files and BasisUniversalTexture for Basis Universal files, which both offer the following async loading methods:
- LoadFromUrl for loading URLs (including file URLs starting with
) - LoadFromStreamingAssets for loading relative paths in the StreamingAssets folder
- LoadFromBytes for loading from memory
Loading Textures
using KtxUnity;
async void Start() {
// Create KTX texture instance
var texture = new KtxTexture();
// Linear color sampling. Needed for non-color value textures (e.g. normal maps)
bool linearColor = true;
// Load file from Streaming Assets folder (relative path)
var result = await texture.LoadFromStreamingAssets("trout.ktx", linearColor);
// Alternative: Load from URL
// var result = await texture.LoadFromUrl("", linearColor);
// Alternative: Load from memory
// var result = await texture.LoadFromBytes(nativeArray, linearColor);
if (result != null) {
// Use texture. For example, apply texture to a material
targetMaterial.mainTexture = result.texture;
// Optional: Support arbitrary texture orientation by flipping the texture if necessary
var scale = targetMaterial.mainTextureScale;
scale.x = result.orientation.IsXFlipped() ? -1 : 1;
scale.y = result.orientation.IsYFlipped() ? -1 : 1;
targetMaterial.mainTextureScale = scale;
Using as Sprite
If you want to use the texture in a UI / Sprite context, this is how you create a Sprite with correct orientation:
using KtxUnity;
async void Start() {
// Create a basis universal texture instance
var texture = new BasisUniversalTexture();
// Load file from Streaming Assets folder
var result = await texture.LoadFromStreamingAssets("dachstein.basis");
if (result != null) {
// Calculate correct size
var pos = new Vector2(0,0);
var size = new Vector2(result.texture.width, result.texture.height);
// Flip Sprite, if required
if(result.orientation.IsXFlipped()) {
pos.x = size.x;
size.x *= -1;
if(result.orientation.IsYFlipped()) {
pos.y = size.y;
size.y *= -1;
// Create a Sprite and assign it to the Image
GetComponent<Image>().sprite = Sprite.Create(result.texture, new Rect(pos, size),;
// Preserve aspect ratio:
// Flipping the sprite by making the size x or y negative (above) breaks Image's `Preserve Aspect` feature
// You can/have to calculate the RectTransform size yourself. Example:
// Calculate correct size and assign it to the RectTransform
const float scale = 0.5f; // Set this to whatever size you need it - best make it a serialized class field
var rt = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
rt.sizeDelta = new Vector2(result.texture.width*scale, result.texture.height*scale);
Note: You can still use the
Preserve Aspect
Image option, if you encode your KTX/Basis files with flipped Y axis (see Creating Textures )
Developers who want to create advanced loading code should look into classes KtxTexture, BasisUniversalTexture and TextureBase directly.
When loading many textures at once, using the low-level API to get finer control over the loading process can yield great performance gains. Have a look at Open, LoadTexture2D and Dispose for details.
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