Going further
Draco and glTF
Draco™ files contain raw mesh or point cloud data only, but Draco compression can be used on mesh data within glTF™ asset files. This allows you to enrich your Draco data in many ways, for example:
- Transforms (location, rotation, scale) and object/node hierarchy
- Multiple meshes/point clouds per file
- Materials
- Animation
- Application specific meta-data
The Unity glTFast package provides support for loading, importing and exporting glTF in Unity and utilizes Draco for Unity to gain Draco compression support. You have to install recent versions of both packages to unlock that feature. See the package's documentation to learn how to create and load Draco compressed glTF files.
Info: Support for Draco in glTF is available via the KHR_draco_mesh_compression glTF extension.
Unity® is a registered trademark of Unity Technologies.
Draco™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
Khronos® is a registered trademark and glTF™ is a trademark of The Khronos Group Inc.