Struct LensSettings.PhysicalSettings
These are settings that are used only if IsPhysicalCamera is true.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Cinemachine
Assembly: solution.dll
[Tooltip("These are settings that are used only if IsPhysicalCamera is true")]
public struct LensSettings.PhysicalSettings
Name | Description |
Anamorphism | Stretches the sensor to simulate an anamorphic look. Positive values distort the camera vertically, negative values distore the camera horizontally |
Aperture | The aperture number, in f-stop |
Barrel |
The strength of the "cat-eye" effect on bokeh (optical vignetting) |
Blade |
The number of diaphragm blades |
Curvature | Maps an aperture range to blade curvature |
Focus |
Distance from the camera lens at which focus is sharpest. |
Gate |
How the image is fitted to the sensor if the aspect ratios differ |
Iso | The sensor sensitivity (ISO) |
Lens |
Position of the gate relative to the film back |
Sensor |
This is the actual size of the image sensor (in mm). |
Shutter |
The exposure time, in seconds |