Class SaveDuringPlay
For all registered object types, record their state when exiting Play Mode, and restore that state to the objects in the scene. This is a very limited implementation which has not been rigorously tested with many objects types. It's quite possible that not everything will be saved.
This class is expected to become obsolete when Unity implements this functionality in a more general way.
To use this functionality in your own scripts, add the [SaveDuringPlay] attribute to your class.
Note: if you want some specific field in your class NOT to be saved during play, add a property attribute whose class name contains the string "NoSaveDuringPlay" and the field will not be saved.
Namespace: SaveDuringPlay
public class SaveDuringPlay
Editor preferences key for SaveDuringPlay enabled
public static string kEnabledKey
Field Value
Type | Description |
String |
If you need to get notified before state is collected for hotsave, this is the place
public static SaveDuringPlay.OnHotSaveDelegate OnHotSave
Field Value
Type | Description |
SaveDuringPlay.OnHotSaveDelegate |
Enabled status for SaveDuringPlay.
This is a global setting, saved in Editor Prefs
public static bool Enabled { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |