Alternative Input Systems
Some Cinemachine components (e.g. FreeLook, POV, OrbitalTransposer) require user input to position or orient the camera. By default, Cinemachine gets user input by querying the standard Unity Input.GetAxis(name)
When alternative input systems are used in a project, this default behaviour must be overridden so that input is obtained from the appropriate source.
Cinemachine has defined an interface: Cinemachine.AxisState.IInputAxisProvider
. If a MonoBehaviour
implementing this interface is added to a Virtual Camera or FreeLook, then it will be queried for input instead of the standard input system.
Cinemachine ships with an example of such a behaviour that uses the new UnityEngine.InputSystem package: CinemachineInputProvider. It has dual purpose:
- Provide a simple out-of-the-box adapter for the new UnityEngine.InputSystem package, to cover common use cases.
- To serve as a source code example of how to integrate Cinemachine with custom or 3rd-party input systems.
This is a behaviour that is intended to be added to a virtual camera or FreeLook. It is an input source override, which causes the virtual camera to obtain input using the new UnityEngine.InputSystem package instead of the standard Unity Input system.
This behaviour is available when the UnityEngine.InputSystem package is installed in the project.
Property: | Function: |
Player Index | Which player's input controls to query. Leave this at the default value of -1 for single-player games. Otherwise this should be the index of the player in the UnityEngine.Inout.InputUser.all list |
XY Axis | A Vector2 input action that will supply values for the X and Y axes. Can be null if X and Y axes are not used |
Z Axis | A float input action that will supply values for the Z axis. Can be null if Z axis is not used |