Class Cinemachine3rdPersonAim
An add-on module for Cinemachine Virtual Camera that forces the LookAt point to the center of the screen, based on the Follow target's orientation, cancelling noise and other corrections. This is useful for third-person style aim cameras that want a dead-accurate aim at all times, even in the presence of positional or rotational noise.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Cinemachine
Assembly: Cinemachine.dll
public class Cinemachine3rdPersonAim : CinemachineExtension
Objects on these layers will be detected.
[Header("Aim Target Detection")]
[Tooltip("Objects on these layers will be detected")]
public LayerMask AimCollisionFilter
Field Value
Type | Description |
Layer |
How far to project the object detection ray.
[Tooltip("How far to project the object detection ray")]
public float AimDistance
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
This 2D object will be positioned in the game view over the raycast hit point, if any, or will remain in the center of the screen if no hit point is detected. May be null, in which case no on-screen indicator will appear.
[Tooltip("This 2D object will be positioned in the game view over the raycast hit point, if any, or will remain in the center of the screen if no hit point is detected. May be null, in which case no on-screen indicator will appear")]
public RectTransform AimTargetReticle
Field Value
Type | Description |
Rect |
Objects with this tag will be ignored.
It is a good idea to set this field to the target's tag.
[Tooltip("Objects with this tag will be ignored. It is a good idea to set this field to the target's tag")]
public string IgnoreTag
Field Value
Type | Description |
string |
World space position of where the player would hit if a projectile were to be fired from the player origin. This may be different from state.ReferenceLookAt due to camera offset from player origin.
public Vector3 AimTarget { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Vector3 |
OnTransitionFromCamera(ICinemachineCamera, Vector3, float)
Notification that this virtual camera is going live.
public override bool OnTransitionFromCamera(ICinemachineCamera fromCam, Vector3 worldUp, float deltaTime)
Type | Name | Description |
ICinemachine |
fromCam | The camera being deactivated. May be null. |
Vector3 | worldUp | Default world Up, set by the CinemachineBrain |
float | deltaTime | Delta time for time-based effects (ignore if less than or equal to 0) |
Type | Description |
bool | True to request a vcam update of internal state |
PostPipelineStageCallback(CinemachineVirtualCameraBase, Stage, ref CameraState, float)
Sets the ReferenceLookAt to be the result of a raycast in the direction of camera forward. If an object is hit, point is placed there, else it is placed at AimDistance.
protected override void PostPipelineStageCallback(CinemachineVirtualCameraBase vcam, CinemachineCore.Stage stage, ref CameraState state, float deltaTime)
Type | Name | Description |
Cinemachine |
vcam | The virtual camera being processed |
Cinemachine |
stage | The current pipeline stage |
Camera |
state | The current virtual camera state |
float | deltaTime | The current applicable deltaTime |