Standard characters implementation overview
This is an overview of the contents of the Standard Characters assets that you can import into your project via the Samples tab of the Character Controller Package Manager window (Window > Package Manager > Character Controller > Samples). Unity adds the standard character files to your project, under the Samples/Character Controller/[version]/Standard Characters
The Standard Characters include the following prefabs:
- Player prefabs (ThirdPersonPlayer, FirstPersonPlayer): Represents the human that controls the character and camera, if applicable, with input.
- Character prefabs (ThirdPersonCharacter, FirstPersonCharacter): Represents the character that moves in the world.
- Camera prefab (OrbitCamera): Represents the camera that orbits around the third-person character.
Controlling the character
Here are the main steps of how input is converted into character movement by the standatd character systems:
- The Player gathers raw input from input systems
- The Player converts that raw input to a format that the character can easily work with, and writes that data to the Control component (
) on the character. This control component acts as a common interface for controlling the character, whether it's a human or an AI controlling it. - The character moves with the input stored in its control component
The following is an example of how this happens in code, using the third-person character as an example:
gathers input from Unity's input system every frame. It iterates on all entities with aThirdPersonPlayerInputs
component, and writes the raw input to that component.ThirdPersonPlayerVariableStepControlSystem
handle taking the raw input fromThirdPersonPlayerInputs
, and converting it to a format that the character can work with in theThirdPersonCharacterControl
component. They do this at variable and fixed update respectively, depending on when these inputs are actually used by the character.- The same is done for camera control:
writes into theOrbitCameraControl
component in order to tell the camera what to do.
Character movement
updates at a fixed timestep, and schedules a job that callsThirdPersonCharacterAspect.PhysicsUpdate
calls the first phase of character update steps through theCharacterAspect
, and then callsHandleVelocityControl
is where theThirdPersonCharacterControl
component is used to determine character velocity. This is the main method you should modify to customize character movement.ThirdPersonCharacterAspect.PhysicsUpdate
then calls the second phase of character update steps through theCharacterAspect
, and it's in these steps that the character will actually move and detect collisions based on its velocity
Character rotation
updates at a variable timestep, and schedules a job that callsThirdPersonCharacterAspect.VariableUpdate
use the move vector of theThirdPersonCharacterControl
component to calculate and set a character rotation that faces this move direction.
moves the camera based on the look input in theOrbitCameraControl
Customize character movement
Character velocity control is mainly implemented in your character aspect's HandleVelocityControl
method. Here's a summary of what it does:
void HandleVelocityControl()
// if the character is grounded
// Move on ground by interpolating velocity towards a target max velocity
// Handle jumping if there is jump input
// otherwise, if the character is in air
// Move in air by accelerating velocity towards a target max velocity, but also prevent that acceleration if we're moving against a steep wall
// Apply gravity to character's velocity
// Apply drag to character's velocity
This implementation is nothing more than a default starting point. Feel free to customize, change or replace anything in HandleVelocityControl
to implement any character movement feature you need for your game.
Rotation is implemented in your character aspect's VariableUpdate
. This is a default starting point that you could fully customize to suit your needs.
Velocity and rotation update frequencies
Velocity and rotation are handled in different locations because they have a different recommended frequency at which they should be updated.
Velocity is best handled at a fixed timestep, because it directly participates in collisions and physics. The fixed timestep is ideal because of its consistency and predictability.
Rotation is often best handled at a variable timestep (in sync with the rendering rate), because if it was handled at a fixed timestep with interpolation instead, there would be a noticeable mouse input unresponsiveness.
This is especially noticeable for first-person characters or third-person characters that can aim directly in the camera direction while it rotates. Rotation can also participate in collisions and physics in certain cases such as when a character capsule rotates on an axis other than Y, but this typically has less of an impact on physics solving than the velocity does.
In any case, you should know that the decision to handle rotation at a variable rate is not a hard requirement; but only a default suggestion. If you believe that rotation would be better handled at a fixed timestep for your game, then you can move the rotation-handling code to your character aspect's PhysicsUpdate
instead, and enable rotation interpolation in your character authoring.
Separate player and character entities
There are a few reasons why character and player are two different entities, two different sets of components, and two different sets of systems in the standard characters:
- A character prefab and system should be controllable by either a human player or an AI controller. For this reason, the character prefab should be independent of any notion of who is controlling it. Sometimes the controller will be a human player (such as when you assign the Character prefab as the Controlled Character of the Player prefab), but other times the same character prefab could be assigned to an AI controller. This is why the character Control component exists (
). It acts as a common interface for controlling the character, whether the controller is human or AI. - AI characters shouldn't have any knowledge of a camera, but a human-controlled character must often move relative to the camera orientation. Because of this, calculating a camera-relative move input is the responsibility of the system that handles the human player logic and not of the character systems. The human player knows about the camera, and feeds camera-relative input to its controlled character. That way, the character can move relative to the camera, without ever having to keep any kind of reference to a camera.
- There are often cases where you need to destroy the Character entity, but you want the concept of the Player to survive. For example, in an online shooter game, you might have your character die, but your Player (score, name, money, unlockables, etc...) persists while awaiting the respawning of the Character. In these cases, because the Player and Character are separate entities, you can easily destroy the character entity, spawn a new one, and assign that new character as the "controlled character" of the Player.
- At runtime, you might want to switch the entity that your player controls. You could switch characters, or you could switch to controlling a horse or vehicle. When you switch the controlled entity like this, you might want to preserve data belonging to the player controlling the entity. The separation of Player and Character once again makes cases like these easier to deal with.
However, this is by no means a hard requirement for things to work. If you want to, you can change things so that the character entity and systems also handle player input directly.
Player input
Player input is implemented in a way that you might not expect:
- It's split into 3 different systems.
- It uses a
struct for button press input events, instead of using a Boolean. - The player writes input to their controlled character, instead of the character systems querying inputs directly.
While it would be possible to make things work with a simpler structure, things are structured this way due to the combination of several different considerations:
- Some inputs need processing at a variable rate, and some need processing at a fixed rate.
- There are certain challenges related to handling input that must be processed at a fixed timestep. For more information, see the documentation on Input handling.
- This structure allows characters to be controlled by either humans or AI, without requiring different implementations based on who or what controls them.
- This structure allows characters to be already setup for easy Netcode compatibility (storing player commands and using player commands are handled in different systems).