[0.2.4-preview.50] - 2019-02-27
- Fix meta file conflict
- Fix changelog format
[0.2.4-preview.49] - 2019-02-27
- Move back com.unity.burst.experimental for function pointers support, but use internal modifier for this API
- Restructure package for validation
[0.2.4-preview.48] - 2019-02-26
- Move back com.unity.burst.experimental for function pointers support, but use internal modifier for this API
[0.2.4-preview.47] - 2019-02-26
- Fix an issue during publish stage which was preventing to release the binaries.
[0.2.4-preview.46] - 2019-02-26
- iOS player builds now use static linkage (to support TestFlight) - Minimum supported Unity versions are 2018.3.6f1 or 2019.1.0b4
- Fix a warning in Burst AOT settings
- Enable forcing synchronous job compilation from menu
[0.2.4-preview.45] - 2019-02-07
- Disable Burst AOT settings support for unity versions before 2019.1
[0.2.4-preview.44] - 2019-02-06
- Fix incorrect conversions when performing subtraction with enums and floats
- Fix compatability issue with future unity versions
- Fix bug with ldfld bitcast on structs with explicit layouts
- Guard against an issue resolving debug locations if the scope is global
[0.2.4-preview.43] - 2019-02-01
- Add preliminary support for burst AOT settings in the player settings
- Move BurstCompile (delegate/function pointers support) from com.unity.burst package to com.unity.burst.experimental package
- Fix issue with stackalloc allocating a pointer size for the element type resulting in possible StackOverflowException
- Add support for disabling burst compilation from Unity editor with the command line argument
- Add support for forcing synchronous compilation from Unity editor with the command line argument
- Fix a compiler crash when generating debugging information
- Fix invalid codegen involving ternary operator
[0.2.4-preview.42] - 2019-01-22
- Fix a compilation error when implicit/explicit operators are used returning different type for the same input type
[0.2.4-preview.41] - 2019-01-17
- Fix codegen issue with Interlocked.Decrement that was instead performing an increment
- Fix codegen issue for an invalid layout of struct with nested recursive pointer references
- Fix for Fogbugz case :
- Fix codegen issue with ref bool on a method argument creating a compiler exception
[0.2.4-preview.40] - 2018-12-19
- Fix bug when a write to a pointer type of an argument of a generic function
- Breaking change of API:
, andSupport
- Add
mode with early preview of deterministic mathematical functions - Fix bug with fonts in inspector being incorrectly reloaded
[0.2.4-preview.39] - 2018-12-06
- Add preview support for readonly static arrays typically used for LUT
- Fix an issue with generics incorrectly being resolved in certain situations
- Fix ARM32/ARM64 compilation issues for some instructions
- Fix ARM compilation issues on UWP
- Fix issue with math.compress
- Add support for
for storing a managed null reference to a ref field (e.g for DisposeSentinel)
[0.2.4-preview.38] - 2018-11-17
- Fix issue when converting an unsigned integer constant to a larger unsigned integer (e.g (ulong)uint.MaxValue)
- Fix crash in editor when IRAnalysis can return an empty string
- Fix potential crash of Cecil when reading symbols from assembly definition
[0.2.4-preview.37] - 2018-11-08
- Fix a crash on Linux and MacOS in the editor with dlopen crashing when trying to load burst-llvm (linux)
[0.2.4-preview.36] - 2018-11-08
- Fix a crash on Linux and MacOS in the editor with dlopen crashing when trying to load burst-llvm (mac)
[0.2.4-preview.35] - 2018-10-31
- Try to fix a crash on macosx in the editor when a job is being compiled by burst at startup time
- Fix burst accidentally resolving reference assemblies
- Add support for burst for ARM64 when building UWP player
[0.2.4-preview.34] - 2018-10-12
- Fix compiler exception with an invalid cast that could occur when using pinned variables (e.g
resolved toint32**
instead ofint32*
[0.2.4-preview.33] - 2018-10-10
- Fix a compiler crash with methods incorrectly being marked as external and throwing an exception related to ABI
[0.2.4-preview.32] - 2018-10-04
- Fix codegen and linking errors for ARM when using mathematical functions on plain floats
- Add support for vector types GetHashCode
- Add support for DllImport (only compatible with Unity
+ and2018.3.0b5
+) - Fix codegen when converting uint to int when used in a binary operation
[0.2.4-preview.31] - 2018-09-24
- Fix codegen for fmodf to use inline functions instead
- Add extended disassembly output to the burst inspector
- Fix generic resolution through de-virtualize methods
- Fix bug when accessing Prevents static constructors being considered intrinsics.
- Fix NoAlias attribute checking when generics are used
[0.2.4-preview.30] - 2018-09-11
- Fix IsValueType throwing a NullReferenceException in case of using generics
- Fix discovery for burst inspector/AOT methods inheriting from IJobProcessComponentData or interfaces with generics
- Add NoAliasAttribute
- Improved codegen for csum
- Improved codegen for abs(int)
- Improved codegen for abs on floatN/doubleN
[0.2.4-preview.29] - 2018-09-07
- Fix issue when calling an explicit interface method not being matched through a generic constraint
- Fix issue with or/and binary operation on a bool returned by a function
[0.2.4-preview.28] - 2018-09-05
- Fix a compilation issue when storing a bool returned from a function to a component of a bool vector
- Fix AOT compilation issue with a duplicated dictionary key
- Fix settings of ANDROID_NDK_ROOT if it is not setup in Unity Editor
[0.2.4-preview.27] - 2018-09-03
- Improve detection of jobs within nested generics for AOT/burst inspector
- Fix compiler bug of comparison of a pointer to null pointer
- Fix crash compilation of sincos on ARM (neon/AARCH64)
- Fix issue when using a pointer to a VectorType resulting in an incorrect access of a vector type
- Add support for doubles (preview)
- Improve AOT compiler error message/details if the compiler is failing before the linker
[0.2.4-preview.26] - 2018-08-21
- Added support for cosh, sinh and tanh
[0.2.4-preview.25] - 2018-08-16
- Fix warning in unity editor
[0.2.4-preview.24] - 2018-08-15
- Improve codegen of math.compress
- Improve codegen of math.asfloat/asint/asuint
- Improve codegen of math.csum for int4
- Improve codegen of math.count_bits
- Support for lzcnt and tzcnt intrinsics
- Fix AOT compilation errors for PS4 and XboxOne
- Fix an issue that could cause wrong code generation for some unsafe ptr operations
[0.2.4-preview.23] - 2018-07-31
- Fix bug with switch case to support not only int32
[0.2.4-preview.22] - 2018-07-31
- Fix issue with pointers comparison not supported
- Fix a StackOverflow exception when calling an interface method through a generic constraint on a nested type where the declaring type is a generic
- Fix an issue with EntityCommandBuffer.CreateEntity/AddComponent that could lead to ArgumentException/IndexOutOfRangeException
[0.2.4-preview.21] - 2018-07-25
- Correct issue with Android AOT compilation being unable to find the NDK.
[0.2.4-preview.20] - 2018-07-05
- Prepare the user documentation for a public release
[0.2.4-preview.19] - 2018-07-02
- Fix compilation error with generics when types are coming from different assemblies
[0.2.4-preview.18] - 2018-06-26
- Add support for subtracting pointers
[0.2.4-preview.17] - 2018-06-25
- Bump only to force a new version pushed
[0.2.4-preview.16] - 2018-06-25
- Fix AOT compilation errors
[0.2.4-preview.15] - 2018-06-25
- Fix crash for certain access to readonly static variable
- Fix StackOverflowException when using a generic parameter type into an interface method
[0.2.4-preview.14] - 2018-06-23
- Fix an issue with package structure that was preventing burst to work in Unity
[0.2.4-preview.13] - 2018-06-22
- Add support for burst timings menu
- Improve codegen for sin/cos
- Improve codegen when using swizzles on vector types
- Add support for sincos intrinsic
- Fix AOT deployment
[0.2.4-preview.12] - 2018-06-13
- Fix a bug in codegen that was collapsing methods overload of System.Threading.Interlocked to the same method
[0.2.4-preview.11] - 2018-06-05
- Fix exception in codegen when accessing readonly static fields from different control flow paths
[0.2.4-preview.10] - 2018-06-04
- Fix a potential stack overflow issue when a generic parameter constraint on a type is also referencing another generic parameter through a generic interface constraint
- Update to latest Unity.Mathematics:
- Fix order of parameters and codegen for step functions
[0.2.4-preview.9] - 2018-05-29
- Fix bug when casting an IntPtr to an enum pointer that was causing an invalid codegen exception
[0.2.4-preview.8] - 2018-05-24
- Breaking change: Move Unity.Jobs.Accuracy/Support to Unity.Burst
- Deprecate ComputeJobOptimizationAttribute in favor of BurstCompileAttribute
- Fix bug when using enum with a different type than int
- Fix bug with IL stind that could lead to a memory corruption.
[0.2.4-preview.7] - 2018-05-22
- Add support for nested structs in SOA native arrays
- Add support for arbitrary sized elements in full SOA native arrays
- Fix bug with conversion from signed/unsigned integers to signed numbers (integers & floats)
- Add support for substracting pointers at IL level
- Improve codegen with pointers arithmetic to avoid checking for overflows
[0.2.4-preview.6] - 2018-05-11
- Remove
from mathematics and add proper support in burst - Add support for ARM platforms in the burst inspector UI
[0.2.4-preview.5] - 2018-05-09
- Add support for readonly static fields
- Add support for stackalloc
- Fix potential crash on MacOSX when using memset is used indirectly
- Fix crash when trying to write to a bool1*
- Fix bug with EnableBurstCompilation checkbox not working in Unity Editor
[0.2.4-preview.4] - 2018-05-03
- Fix an issue on Windows with
occurring when trying to loadburst-llvm.dll
from a user profile containing unicode characters in the folder path - Fix an internal compiler error occurring with IL dup instruction
[0.2.4-preview.3] - 2018-05-03
- Add support for struct with an explicit layout
- Fix noalias regression (that was preventing the auto-vectorizer to work correctly on basic loops)
0.2.3 (21 March 2018)
- Improve error messages for static field access
- Improve collecting of compilable job by trying to collect concrete job type instances (issue #23)
0.2.2 (19 March 2018)
- Improve error messages in case using
cast in C# - Improve error messages if a static delegate instance is used
- Fix codegen error when converting a byte/ushort to a float