Enum Layer.Type
Layer Type
Namespace: Unity.Barracuda
public enum Type
Name | Description | Value |
Nop | No operation / identity layer |
0 |
Dense | Dense layer |
1 |
MatMul | Matrix multiplication layer |
2 |
Dense3 | Rank-3 Dense Layer |
3 |
Conv2D | 2D Convolution layer |
20 |
DepthwiseConv2D | Depthwise Convolution layer |
21 |
Conv2DTrans | Transpose 2D Convolution layer |
22 |
Upsample2D | Upsampling layer |
23 |
MaxPool2D | Max Pool layer |
25 |
AvgPool2D | Average Pool layer |
26 |
GlobalMaxPool2D | Global Max Pool layer |
27 |
GlobalAvgPool2D | Global Average Pool layer |
28 |
Border2D | Border / Padding layer |
29 |
Conv3D | 3D Convolution layer |
30 |
Conv3DTrans | Transpose 3D Convolution layer (not yet implemented) |
32 |
Upsample3D | 3D Upsampling layer |
33 |
MaxPool3D | 3D Max Pool layer (not yet implemented) |
35 |
AvgPool3D | 3D Average Pool layer (not yet implemented) |
36 |
GlobalMaxPool3D | 3D Global Max Pool layer (not yet implemented) |
37 |
GlobalAvgPool3D | 3D Global Average Pool layer (not yet implemented) |
38 |
Border3D | 3D Border / Padding layer |
39 |
Activation | Activation layer, see |
50 |
ScaleBias | Scale + Bias layer |
51 |
Normalization | Normalization layer |
52 |
LRN | LRN (Local Response Normalization) layer |
53 |
Dropout | Dropout layer (does nothing in inference) |
60 |
RandomNormal | Random sampling from normal distribution layer |
64 |
RandomUniform | Random sampling from uniform distribution layer |
65 |
Multinomial | Random sampling from multinomial distribution layer |
66 |
OneHot | OneHot layer |
67 |
TopKIndices | TopK indices layer |
68 |
TopKValues | TopK values layer |
69 |
NonZero | NonZero layer |
70 |
Range | Range layer |
71 |
Add | Addition layer |
100 |
Sub | Subtraction layer |
101 |
Mul | Multiplication layer |
102 |
Div | Division layer |
103 |
Pow | Power layer |
104 |
Min | Min layer |
110 |
Max | Max layer |
111 |
Mean | Mean layer |
112 |
ReduceL1 | Reduce L1 layer (not yet implemented) |
120 |
ReduceL2 | Reduce L2 layer (not yet implemented) |
121 |
ReduceLogSum | Reduce LogSum layer (not yet implemented) |
122 |
ReduceLogSumExp | Reduce LogSumExp layer (not yet implemented) |
123 |
ReduceMax | Reduce with Max layer |
124 |
ReduceMean | Reduce with Mean layer |
125 |
ReduceMin | Reduce with Min layer |
126 |
ReduceProd | Reduce with Prod layer |
127 |
ReduceSum | Reduce with Sum layer |
128 |
ReduceSumSquare | Reduce with SumSquare layer (not yet implemented) |
129 |
Greater | Logic operation: Greater layer |
140 |
GreaterEqual | Logic operation: GreaterEqual layer |
141 |
Less | Logic operation: Less layer |
142 |
LessEqual | Logic operation: LessEqual layer |
143 |
Equal | Logic operation: Equal layer |
144 |
LogicalOr | Logic operation: LogicalOr layer |
145 |
LogicalAnd | Logic operation: LogicalAnd layer |
146 |
LogicalNot | Logic operation: LogicalNot layer |
147 |
LogicalXor | Logic operation: LogicalXor layer |
148 |
Where | Logic operation: Where layer |
149 |
Sign | Logic operation: Sign layer |
150 |
Pad2DReflect | Reflection padding layer |
160 |
Pad2DSymmetric | Symmetric padding layer |
161 |
Pad2DEdge | Edge padding layer |
162 |
ArgMax | ArgMax layer |
163 |
ArgMin | ArgMin layer |
164 |
ConstantOfShape | ConstantOfShape layer |
199 |
Flatten | Flatten layer |
200 |
Reshape | Reshape layer |
201 |
Transpose | Transpose layer |
202 |
Squeeze | Squeeze layer (not fully supported) |
203 |
Unsqueeze | Unsqueeze layer (not fully supported) |
204 |
Gather | Gather layer |
205 |
DepthToSpace | Depth to space layer |
206 |
SpaceToDepth | Space to depth layer |
207 |
Expand | Expand layer |
208 |
Resample2D | 2D Resample layer |
209 |
Concat | Concat layer |
210 |
StridedSlice | Strided slice layer |
211 |
Tile | Tile layer |
212 |
Shape | Shape layer |
213 |
NonMaxSuppression | Non max suppression layer |
214 |
215 |
Load | Constant load layer (for internal use) |
255 |