Supported ONNX operators
Barracuda currently supports the following ONNX operators and parameters. If an operator is not on the list and you need it, please create a ticket on the Unity ML-Agents GitHub.
- Constant
- Reshape
- Shape
- Unsqueeze
- Squeeze
- Flatten
- Concat
- Expand
- Slice
- Gather
- OneHot
- TopK
- Add
- Sum
- Sub
- Mul
- Div
- Pow
- Min
- Max
- Mean
- Greater
- Less
- Equal
- Or
- And
- Not
- Xor
- Pad
- AveragePool
- MaxPool
- GlobalAveragePool
- GlobalMaxPool
- Upsample
- Resize
- Transpose
- Gemm
- MatMul
- Conv
- ConvTranspose
- BatchNormalization
- ImageScaler
- InstanceNormalization
- RandomNormal
- RandomNormalLike
- RandomUniform
- RandomUniformLike
- Multinomial
- ReduceMax
- ReduceMean
- ReduceMin
- ReduceProd
- ReduceSum
- Identity
- Cast
- Dropout
- DepthToSpace
- SpaceToDepth
- Relu
- Softmax
- LogSoftmax
- Tanh
- Sqrt
- Sigmoid
- Elu
- LeakyRelu
- Selu
- PRelu
- Exp
- Log
- Reciprocal
- Abs
- Neg
- Ceil
- Floor
- Clip
- Acos
- Acosh
- Asin
- Asinh
- Atan
- Atanh
- Cos
- Cosh
- Sin
- Sinh
- Tan