Import assets from Asset Manager
How to import assets from Asset Manager into the Unity Editor.
Import your first asset
To import a cloud asset into your Unity Editor project, follow these steps:
- In the Asset Manager for Unity window, go to the left side, below Projects and do one of the following:
- To view assets in all projects, select All Assets. All assets in the organization appear.
- To view assets in a specific project, select the project that you want from the list. All assets in the project appear.
- Select the asset that you want. To select multiple assets, press Shift and select the assets. On the right side, the Asset Manager Inspector appears.
- Go to the bottom right corner of the Asset Manager Inspector, select Import.
Tip: After you import an asset, you can move the files to another destination folder.
View an imported asset
To view an imported asset, go to the bottom left corner of the Asset Manager for Unity window and select In Project.
Reimport an asset
You can reimport assets to get the latest version of the files uploaded to the asset. To reimport, follow these steps:
- Select the imported asset you want. On the right side, the Asset Manager Inspector appears.
- Go to the bottom right corner of the Asset Manager Inspector and select Reimport. The Reimport dialog appears.
- Select Reimport for the files you want to reimport, or select Skip to ignore reimporting files.
- Select Import.
Note: If you move your files into a different destination folder, they will still be updated when you use the Reimport feature.
Remove an imported asset
If you no longer want to use an imported cloud asset, you can remove it from your project. To remove imported cloud assets, you can either:
- Select the imported asset you want. On the right side, the Asset Manager Inspector appears.
- Go to the bottom right corner of the Asset Manager Inspector and select Remove From Project.
Find imported asset location in project
You can find out the project folder location of an imported cloud asset. To locate your asset folder, follow these steps:
- Select the imported asset you want. On the right side, the Asset Manager Inspector appears.
- Below the Details section, select the Included Files dropdown button. The drop-down list displays files.
- Select the three-dots icon.
- Select Show in project.
Refresh for updates
You can refresh the Asset Manager for Unity window to get the latest asset content and published updates. To refresh, you can:
- Go to the top right corner, select the three-dots icon. A dropdown menu appears.
- Select Refresh.
Asset import states
Asset import states feature helps you to identify the import status of each asset that you've imported from Unity Cloud into your Editor project.
Check asset import state
On the bottom right corner of an asset card, you can identify the asset state icon. This icon represents the asset's import status. The following are the different types of import states available in Asset Manager for unity:
- A: Asset has been successfully imported and is the latest version.
- B: Asset has been successfully imported, however, the version is outdated.
- C: Asset has been successfully imported, however, an error has occurred. The following can be some of the reasons for the error:
- There are missing asset dependencies.
- The asset was deleted from cloud.
- You've lost access to the asset.